Weeping may be for
the night
But joy comes soon
Faithful God can be trusted
You are not alone in the world

Though no one seem to
You pass with no glance from any
When efforts are not recognized or rewarded
When those you help turn against you
Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God.
But joy comes soon
Faithful God can be trusted
You are not alone in the world

You pass with no glance from any
When efforts are not recognized or rewarded
When those you help turn against you
He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand
generations and constantly loves those who love him and
obey his commands. Deuteronomy 7:9
Loyalty can be compromised
Man’s intentions may be steeped in selfishness
Trust God, He is faithful
He’s a solid anchor; sturdiest force
No prayer goes unnoticed
No cries go unheard
No sigh is ignored
No care is shrug off
Dry your eyes no need to
Worry not; your faithful helper will show up
It may take four more days like Lazarus
Or overnight like Daniel; It may tarry but wait
Man’s intentions may be steeped in selfishness
Trust God, He is faithful
He’s a solid anchor; sturdiest force
No cries go unheard
No sigh is ignored
No care is shrug off
Worry not; your faithful helper will show up
It may take four more days like Lazarus
Or overnight like Daniel; It may tarry but wait
He remains faithful even when we are unfaithful
In any case never stop praying he hears; he answers
In any case never stop praying he hears; he answers
Be convinced beyond doubt
He is Faithful, Credible and can be trusted
I have been young and now I am old, Yet I have not seen the
righteous (those in right standing with God) abandoned or his descendants
pleading for bread. Psalm 37:25
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