Achieving success is Gods desire for his children
More so in our families which is the bedrock of a society
This is not wished for; it is worked hard at
And the start is the foundation. Marriage

The errors in our ways will not erode Gods purpose
Marriage is a good thing that God brings a couple into
It is intended for joyous cohabiting not sorrow and regret
The failure we see is all man made
A successful marriage is not sold in stores
It is worked daily at in the workshop
I will not list any ingredients or steps…
We have so many steps and many failing homes
Knowledge and prayer is too crucial
However; before you find a mate, find yourself first
Know who you are and what works for you
Where are you headed and who can help you get there
Companies deploy resources just to get the right employee
They interview thousands to select just a few
If they understand how important the right staff is
Is marriage not worth more detailing?
In as much as you will like some lone time in courtship
Spend more time together in the company of those who know you
What your love-struck eyes is too blind to see
Their binocular eye will help you spot
More so in our families which is the bedrock of a society
This is not wished for; it is worked hard at
And the start is the foundation. Marriage

Marriage is a good thing that God brings a couple into
It is intended for joyous cohabiting not sorrow and regret
The failure we see is all man made
It is worked daily at in the workshop
I will not list any ingredients or steps…
We have so many steps and many failing homes
However; before you find a mate, find yourself first
Know who you are and what works for you
Where are you headed and who can help you get there
They interview thousands to select just a few
If they understand how important the right staff is
Is marriage not worth more detailing?
Spend more time together in the company of those who know you
What your love-struck eyes is too blind to see
Their binocular eye will help you spot
Many have regrets because of counsel they didn’t heed
The stories are bitter
The children are at the receiving end
A failed home affects the society
From this place of honesty approach God in prayers
He will not choose for you, but prayers helps greatly
He will not choose for you, but prayers helps greatly
Marriage is good and to be enjoyed
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