Misery is said to love company
Mr. Depression and Mrs. Discouragement often pair
Joy and strength is also a couple
You have to deliberately dissociate from Mr. and Mrs. D

You need the presence of God always
Misery is not in the IAM’s company
Create some LOL
Make light whatever seems to bother you
You need to burst out and laugh
Laugh just for the fun of it
Inspiration and guidance comes from a well of joy
Depression locks you up in Impossibility Island
In joy are youth, beauty and wellness
Pause for a moment and just Laugh Out Loud
I see so many faces with a frown
Light up with a smile, share some joy and cheer
That there won’t be reason for sorrow is deception
But we are admonished to take it to God in prayers
The devils idea is to isolate you in sadness
What I do is to take some time off and just laugh
Laughing is a trait I copied from God; Psalm 2 details it
If my Father laughs at challenges, why should I mourn?
O what peace we often forfeit, o what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer
This hymn capture my epistle
We are instructed to talk to God about everything
This is an all-inclusive word; everything excludes nothing
Pray about the worry and never worry about the trouble
Take a moment and LOL
Mr. Depression and Mrs. Discouragement often pair
Joy and strength is also a couple
You have to deliberately dissociate from Mr. and Mrs. D

Misery is not in the IAM’s company
Create some LOL
Make light whatever seems to bother you
Laugh just for the fun of it
Inspiration and guidance comes from a well of joy
Depression locks you up in Impossibility Island
Pause for a moment and just Laugh Out Loud
I see so many faces with a frown
Light up with a smile, share some joy and cheer
But we are admonished to take it to God in prayers
The devils idea is to isolate you in sadness
What I do is to take some time off and just laugh
If my Father laughs at challenges, why should I mourn?
O what peace we often forfeit, o what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer
We are instructed to talk to God about everything
This is an all-inclusive word; everything excludes nothing
Pray about the worry and never worry about the trouble
A cheerful heart is
a good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength Proverbs 17:22
Similar title Fight This D…. tejuwrite.blogspot.com
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