If you have ever made a promise to a child
Be sure you will be buffeted daily to honor it
You will only breathe when you fulfill your word
This childlike disposition is needed today

When they have special days approaching…
Be sure that date won’t pass without some gifts from you
The excitement they will display in expecting their goodies
Will make you not disappoint them
Having gone through this pattern a couple of times
I devised a strategy suitable for my pocket
I peg down the would be request within a budget
I tender my proposal before they come up with their own
All I have done is to try to play it safe
I believe most parents try to meet their children needs
However, if allowed they can ask for sun, moon and more
And the best of us is limited in a way or the other
Thankfully, there is a benevolent God
There is nothing beyond His capacity
He is unlimited and has capacity to grant and go beyond
We can and should expect more from Him
When it comes to God
giving gifts to men
We put a huge question mark on His ability and willingness
I will not try to plead Gods case
I can only liken us as children with a parent
If you then, being evil,
know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more
will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him! Mathew 7:11
This promise goes
specifically to those who he fathered
Those who recognize Him and place Him as their Father
If you are truly a child, ask yourself why are you in lack…
Be sure you will be buffeted daily to honor it
You will only breathe when you fulfill your word
This childlike disposition is needed today

Be sure that date won’t pass without some gifts from you
The excitement they will display in expecting their goodies
Will make you not disappoint them
I devised a strategy suitable for my pocket
I peg down the would be request within a budget
I tender my proposal before they come up with their own
I believe most parents try to meet their children needs
However, if allowed they can ask for sun, moon and more
And the best of us is limited in a way or the other
Thankfully, there is a benevolent God
There is nothing beyond His capacity
He is unlimited and has capacity to grant and go beyond
We can and should expect more from Him
We put a huge question mark on His ability and willingness
I will not try to plead Gods case
I can only liken us as children with a parent
will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him! Mathew 7:11
Those who recognize Him and place Him as their Father
If you are truly a child, ask yourself why are you in lack…
Because God the Father gives, Always
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