The end of a thing is always sweeter
The year has been interesting
Some are surviving, others thriving
But better months are here in Jesus name
Interesting ninth month
Remembering those days of pregnancy
Once I get to those last few weeks
The finish line, the end is clearer
Can’t wait to birth the baby
Can’t wait to sleep properly
But then; I receive even more grace
To finish with unknown strength
Whatever you have nursed months before
They will supernaturally emerge
The help of your Sovereign Father…
Will be most visible to break forth
Wonders, miracles and signs that excites
These will litter the month for you
You will know the bliss of fullness
You will experience the joys of success
The fulfilling realization of
It takes you to new levels of bliss
Happiness indescribable
Satisfaction that makes food meaningless
These joys shall continue in the months
The bills will appear and disappear
You will owe no one
That which you want to acquire; you will
Do not entertain prophecy of woes
Ember months are Better months
Ember months are lighted months
It gets better and sweeter for me…
The year has been interesting
Some are surviving, others thriving
But better months are here in Jesus name
Remembering those days of pregnancy
Once I get to those last few weeks
The finish line, the end is clearer
Can’t wait to sleep properly
But then; I receive even more grace
To finish with unknown strength
They will supernaturally emerge
The help of your Sovereign Father…
Will be most visible to break forth
These will litter the month for you
You will know the bliss of fullness
You will experience the joys of success
It takes you to new levels of bliss
Happiness indescribable
Satisfaction that makes food meaningless
The bills will appear and disappear
You will owe no one
That which you want to acquire; you will
Ember months are Better months
Ember months are lighted months
It gets better and sweeter for me…
and to know the Love of Christ, which passseth knowledge, that
ye may be filled with all the fullness of God Ephesians 3:18