Thursday, 31 August 2023

It gets Better

The end of a thing is always sweeter
The year has been interesting
Some are surviving, others thriving
But better months are here in Jesus name
Interesting ninth month
Remembering those days of pregnancy
Once I get to those last few weeks
The finish line, the end is clearer
Can’t wait to birth the baby
Can’t wait to sleep properly
But then; I receive even more grace  
To finish with unknown strength
Whatever you have nursed months before
They will supernaturally emerge
The help of your Sovereign Father…
Will be most visible to break forth
Wonders, miracles and signs that excites
These will litter the month for you
You will know the bliss of fullness
You will experience the joys of success
The fulfilling realization of newness
It takes you to new levels of bliss
Happiness indescribable
Satisfaction that makes food meaningless
These joys shall continue in the months ahead
The bills will appear and disappear
You will owe no one
That which you want to acquire; you will
Do not entertain prophecy of woes
Ember months are Better months
Ember months are lighted months
It gets better and sweeter for me…

and to know the Love of Christ, which passseth knowledge, that 
ye may be filled with all the fullness of God Ephesians 3:18

All Seasons

When the Lord told Elijah
I have commanded a widow to feed you
He must have thought to himself
Surely she will be a wealthy woman
When He told him to drink from the brook
He must have assumed the spring will never dry up
To his surprise the widow was no better
And yes brook Cherith dried up
God often humor us by his ways
I mean who sends a raven to deliver meals twice daily
And choosing a poor widow to feed Elijah…;
When you are God you do as you please
God will provide for his own by any means
He commanded the raven…
He commanded the widow… 1 Kings 17
I opined they will not have complied otherwise
The heart of kings is in the hands of the Lord
He stirs it which way he chooses
The heart of animals; poor etc. is also in is hands
This Sovereign God whose child you are...
In these times pray that God will stir hearts for you
That both willing and unwilling helpers will arise for you
Pray for favors in famine
Pray that the Lord will move people to help you

They will survive through hard times; even in famine
they will have more than enough Psalm 37:19
Believe in the reality of his provisions in all seasons
You will not go under in famine

The kings heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord;
He guides it whichever way He pleases Proverbs 21:1
The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and
bread and meat in the evening and he drank from the brook 1 Kings 17:6

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Go Up

There’s no glory in obscurity
No piety in smallness
Big, Bigger, Biggest; Great, Greater, Greatest
Tend upwards; increase, Increase
After the flood that swept the world
Noah and his family started out again
Man gradually increased and then…
They decide to gravitate around a tower
The plan is to build a huge structure
High enough to be seen wherever they were
Myopic thinking; visionless purpose
Man again wanting to thwart the plan of God
Be fruitful, Multiply, Fill the earth and Subdue it
This is the grand plan man is to pursue
Spread out, discover the world; get to new territories
Not center around some effigy in the name of brotherhood
Quickly God sent their plan packing
He shattered the evil ambition
And so man by necessity broke out of the shell
They began spreading out even till date
Start small, don’t stay small
No matter how big you are at present
Desire to be bigger and put in the works
No apologies to naysayers; upwards only
Those who desire greatness (godly increase)
You have a legit right; this is Gods desire for you
Enduring, peaceful, consistent success
God has it to give; He is plenteous in favour
You know how full of love and kindness our Lord jesus Christ was. Though he was very rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich 2 Cor 8:9     1 John 5:4; Jer 29:11

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

To Reign...

In the simplest language
To reign; find someone doing so
With genuine stories, not frauds
Make them your teachers
Companion of fools will be fool
Companion of the wise will gain wisdom
Sign post are for directions
They offer guidance to those who adhere
Looking to reign in marriage
Find someone worthy and learn
Read wide, and also learn by observing
Call them mentors; fathers’ mothers willing to share
One generation shall commend thy name unto another Psalms 145:4
What you have heard of me commit to other who will teach… 2 Timothy 2:1
As long as the heir is a child he does not differ from a slave though
he is master of all. But he is under tutors and governors until…Galatians 4:1
Failures because no one is learning
Most want to start off flying
Quick, jet set results
Rome was not built in a day
Commit to a life of study
From proven individual who are reigning
That is the God appointed pattern
Find someone headed your way and follow
Grow in level and stature
A captain of ten today; captain of thousands tomorrow
Your reign is proportional to your capacity
You have been bought over to reign; put in the works

this is sequel to Bought Over

Bought Over

Are you reigning on earth?
Are you dominating your world?
Are you the Lord of your space?
Are you an adopted child of God?
The blood of Jesus ceded us to God
We became sons and daughters of The Sovereign
We are co-heirs with Jesus
We are bonafide members of the Lords family
This positioning rid us from curse
We are free from the sins of Adam
We are delivered from the woes of our ancestry
We are grafted into love and grace
Reigning!!! Long we shall 
We were rescued just to reign
If you are not; there’s something wrong
You are suffering from a virus called ignorance
The plan of creation in Genesis was for man to reign
When Adam fell out by disobedience
God sought a new means of restoring our dominion
Jesus became the once for all sacrifice
As many as received him he gave them power to be made sons of God. John 1:12
Jesus was tortured and then sacrificed
Sacrifices are often specially treated and prepared
Jesus was disdainfully and horrifically treated
All manner of weapons used to brutalize him
He bled and bruised to silence the devils claim on you
He fulfilled the laws requirement for our redemption
His heart broke as he cried out in a loud voice…
My Father! My Father!!! Why have you forsaken me?

God turned his back on him, humans questioned his claims
All these just for you; to the end that you reign on the earth
Therefore I ask again; are you reigning on this earth?
If you are not, you know what to do. Get informed
…For you were slain, and have redeemed us to God by your blood. Out of every 
tribe and tongue and people and nation. And made us kings and priests to our God; 
and we shall reign on the earth Rev. 9b-10

Monday, 21 August 2023

Essential Ingredient

When Jesus was departing the physical world
His disciples were sad, troubled...
They were unsure of what the future holds
The Lord will calm them and allay their fears
I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart
And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give
So don’t be troubled or afraid John 14:27 NLT

Our response when things go awry is to be troubled
We are distraught when things is not as planned
No help in view can be a source of bother
The human reaction to unpleasantness is worry
Peace is an uncompromised ingredient of progress
Without it nothing positive happens
At the base of success there must be peace
It is the true wheel of fortune
Jesus wants us to have peace in our heart and mind
It means to live a worry free life
This doesn’t mean there won’t be upheavals
It implies you must find peace in every storm
Once Jesus journeyed with his guys on a boat
In the middle of the sea a storm arose
They were terrified but Jesus slept through it
How many can be calm in a troubled plane?
In this state of peace of mind and heart
Jesus exercised His authority over storm
He was able to inspire faith in terrified hearts
They also reached their desired destination

The Prince of Peace speaks Peace to all hearts
Let the weary find rest
Help will come but you must eject the fear
You won't be swept find solace in His word

Now may the Lord of Peace himself give you His peace at all times and in every situation… 2 Thess 3:16

Saturday, 19 August 2023

Kill the Thought

Don't end your own life...
Do not kill yourself
There is something called change...
That situation is not permanent
Suicide does not solve a thing
It only stir up multiple problems
Life is a precious gift
No matter the issue, don’t give in to death

Handling a temporal issue on a final note...
Suicide tells you there's no other way
Pause, rethink, talk with someone...
There's hope, if there's life

For that lie of Satan; there's a truth of Jesus
That defeat need not be permanent
You can rise above the fall
Don't end the life you did not create

A living dog is better than a dead lion
As long as there’s breathe in you
You can expect a better day
Deliberately take your mind off depressive thoughts
Speak aloud to yourself
Talk to someone about how you feel
Take a walk; go see a movie
Visit someone; don’t stay idle
In this world you may have many tribulations
but be of good cheer Jesus has conquered it all. John 16:33
No matter the challenge you face
There’s a loving Jesus that is present to help. 
God cares for you a great deal
The simplest prayer of help is a start


Tuesday, 15 August 2023

I Know...

A liar lies; no news
A thief steals; it’s no news either
They have acted only accordingly
This should not come as a surprise
John 10:10a described the devils assignment
He came to steal, kill and destroy
It’s a forewarning, we should take note
This information is to protect against him
When a bird flies, we say it’s meant to
However, no bird is to build its nest on my head
What is norm for the thief should not be excused by me
For great is the sacrifice of Jesus to set me free 
You may be a thief; but you don’t steal from me
You may be a destroyer; but I am not your candidate
You may be a killer; but not of me and mine
Whatever is norm to satan; is not accepted by me
He painstakingly works out his plans
Looking for whom to bring down
It’s his daily task and he is diligent
Many are its victims; do not join the list
Be careful! Watch out for attacks from the devil,
your great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion,
looking for some victim to devour 1 Peter 5:8
We know who and what the devil is
Do you know who and what you are?
The devil is true to his identity
Are you true to yours?
As there are physical thieves, there are spiritual thieves
Trying to rob you of your valuables
They can come in any format
Heed the Lords counsel, don’t be a victim
Take a firm stand against him, and be strong in your faith.
Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over
the world are going through same 1 Peter 5:9
Who or what the devil is not my worry
Who and what I am must be his headache
I am born of God and born to win
For every child of God defeats this devil 1 John 5:4

Friday, 4 August 2023


There’s a huge difference between hearing and seeing
They are two unique realities; world apart
Seeing makes hearing more believable
While hearing is good, seeing is surreal
Queen Sheba heard of Solomon’s wisdom and wealth
But what she saw paled in comparison
The Israelites knew of God, some even heard his voice
Moses not only heard but saw the IAM that IAM

Goodness of God is testified often by many
But experiencing it firsthand is only heavenly
It is time you experience yours real time
don't just want to hear; i want to see and touch

Don’t despise others for their blessings; rejoice
Embrace it and let it propel you to encounter yours
The woman with the issue of blood heard of Jesus miracles
This birthed the needed faith to get hers
Blind Bartimaeus heard of Jesus
This gave him enough courage to get his sight
What are you hearing; is it inspiring faith?
Or are you despising or questioning them
His ways; His deeds are mind blowing
He does wonders too marvelous to imagine
He will make you one to be wondered at
By His acts in response to your faith

I believe what Simon heard of the Messiah was great
Now imagine him staring at his boat sinking catch…
When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion…
It was a wake me is it a dream experience
God still makes the seemingly difficult; easy
Whatever you have heard Him do, you can get even greater
This season will make Him more real to you
You will indeed become his special wonder
The man Job uttered these words…I have heard of you by the
 hearing of the hear, but now my eye sees you. Job 42:5
Having others testimony must not suffice you
Wont you like to be the testimony

What you have heard God do for others
You can have Him do for you also
We are told to covet good things, not envy
I declare; i receive good news, i enjoy surreal miracles

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

My Stance

Fling it back to wherever it came from
Don’t put on what is not comfortable
Tear off that tattered garment
Be dressed as the royal you are
The snake thought it had got the best of Paul
Until it ended back into the fire it came from
Even its venom had no effect on him Acts 28:1-6
What was to kill him; honored him
High Priest Joshua was dressed in filthy garment
The accuser was glad about his new look Zechariah 3
To shame him, God ordered new clothing for his son
What was to shame him; revealed the Father love
Jesus procured for you sonship in God
By adoption we became bona-fide children
Accepted in the beloved, seated above the enemy
Devil and his goons we trample under our feet
Have no doubt of who you are
The devil is good at questioning this truth
He tried and won with Adam
He lost with Jesus and he must with you
Nothing is to be accepted
Never relapse to a negative fate
Do not relinquish your victory
Great is the prize paid for your soul
Jesus death and resurrection is no fluke
We must cherish and live in its consciousness
Ignorance seems to be a joker with the devil
Get in the word; know who you are
You must also know the weapons deployed for you
For we advance by winning battles
Many may be the afflictions of the righteous
But we are promised victory all the time
Keep your head up child of God
You won’t be swamped in that trouble
It came and it will pass
Supposed shame will become honor

...for you were slaughtered, and your blood has ransomed people for God from
every tribe and nation... and they shall reign on the earth Revelations 5:9,10


Simon & Co left their warm homes for fishing
They engaged their skill all night trying to get anything
Tired they called it a day, washing their nets to return
This labour is a waste; nothing to show for diligence

A chance encounter with Jesus started at dawn
He had been preaching and they joined to listen
Soon he will need their boats to help with his audio
Jesus talked, they listened and faith was birthed
To say thanks Jesus asked Simon to release his nets
He almost refused; but then thought otherwise
His obedience paid off big-time
It was so much that two boats started to sink
Having got this breakthrough calls for drinks
Surprisingly; he forsook all to follow Jesus Luke 5:10-11
Deep down; he wanted more than life at the river
His heart longs after the prophesied Messiah
He was not just looking for food
He was in search of a greater call
I want to be more than a crude fisherman
I want my deepest longing satisfied
He became a foremost apostle fishing for men
An illiterate to a church leader and author
This fulfills… predestination, pursuit and purpose
The portrait of a fulfilled man
Keep pushing …
All things will work together for good
Your darkest hour will birth the greatest brilliance
A supposed defeat will spin around pleasantness
Destiny will beckon in least expected place
This letter is from Simon Peter, a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ. I am writing
to all of you who share the same precious faith we have, faith given to us by
Jesus Christ, our God and savior, who makes us right with God 2 Peter 1:1

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...