Are you reigning on earth?
Are you dominating your world?
Are you the Lord of your space?
Are you an adopted child of God?

The blood of Jesus ceded us to God
We became sons and daughters of The Sovereign
We are co-heirs with Jesus
We are bonafide members of the Lords family
This positioning rid us from curse
We are free from the sins of Adam
We are delivered from the woes of our ancestry
We are grafted into love and grace
Reigning!!! Long we shall
We were rescued just to reign
If you are not; there’s something wrong
You are suffering from a virus called ignorance
The plan of creation in Genesis was for man to reign
When Adam fell out by disobedience
God sought a new means of restoring our dominion
Jesus became the once for all sacrifice
Are you dominating your world?
Are you the Lord of your space?
Are you an adopted child of God?

We became sons and daughters of The Sovereign
We are co-heirs with Jesus
We are bonafide members of the Lords family
We are free from the sins of Adam
We are delivered from the woes of our ancestry
We are grafted into love and grace
We were rescued just to reign
If you are not; there’s something wrong
You are suffering from a virus called ignorance
When Adam fell out by disobedience
God sought a new means of restoring our dominion
Jesus became the once for all sacrifice
As many as received
him he gave them power to be made sons of God. John 1:12
Sacrifices are often specially treated and prepared
Jesus was disdainfully and horrifically treated
All manner of weapons used to brutalize him
He fulfilled the laws requirement for our redemption
His heart broke as he cried out in a loud voice…
My Father! My Father!!! Why have you forsaken me?
God turned his back on him, humans questioned his claims
All these just for you; to the end that you reign on the earth
Therefore I ask again; are you reigning on this earth?
If you are not, you know what to do. Get informed
…For you were
slain, and have redeemed us to God by your blood. Out of every
His heart broke as he cried out in a loud voice…
My Father! My Father!!! Why have you forsaken me?
God turned his back on him, humans questioned his claims
All these just for you; to the end that you reign on the earth
Therefore I ask again; are you reigning on this earth?
If you are not, you know what to do. Get informed
tribe and tongue
and people and nation. And made us kings and priests to our God;
and we shall
reign on the earth Rev. 9b-10
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