When the Lord told Elijah
I have commanded a widow to feed you
He must have thought to himself
Surely she will be a wealthy woman

When He told him to drink from the brook
He must have assumed the spring will never dry up
To his surprise the widow was no better
And yes brook Cherith dried up
God often humor us by his ways
I mean who sends a raven to deliver meals twice daily
And choosing a poor widow to feed Elijah…;
When you are God you do as you please
God will provide for his own by any means
He commanded the raven…
He commanded the widow… 1 Kings 17
I opined they will not have complied otherwise
The heart of kings is in the hands of the
He stirs it which way he chooses
The heart of animals; poor etc. is also in is hands
This Sovereign God whose child you are...
In these times pray that God will stir
hearts for you
That both willing and unwilling helpers will arise for you
Pray for favors in famine
Pray that the Lord will move people to help you
I have commanded a widow to feed you
He must have thought to himself
Surely she will be a wealthy woman

He must have assumed the spring will never dry up
To his surprise the widow was no better
And yes brook Cherith dried up
I mean who sends a raven to deliver meals twice daily
And choosing a poor widow to feed Elijah…;
When you are God you do as you please
He commanded the raven…
He commanded the widow… 1 Kings 17
I opined they will not have complied otherwise
He stirs it which way he chooses
The heart of animals; poor etc. is also in is hands
This Sovereign God whose child you are...
That both willing and unwilling helpers will arise for you
Pray for favors in famine
Pray that the Lord will move people to help you
They will survive through hard times; even in famine
they will have more than enough Psalm 37:19
they will have more than enough Psalm 37:19
Believe in the reality of his provisions in all seasons
You will not go under in famine
You will not go under in famine
The kings heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord;
He guides it whichever way He pleases Proverbs 21:1
The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and
bread and meat in the evening and he drank from the brook 1 Kings 17:6
The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and
bread and meat in the evening and he drank from the brook 1 Kings 17:6
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