Fling it back to wherever it came from
Don’t put on what is not comfortable
Tear off that tattered garment
Be dressed as the royal you are

The snake thought it had got the best of Paul
Until it ended back into the fire it came from
Even its venom had no effect on him Acts 28:1-6
What was to kill him; honored him
High Priest Joshua was dressed in filthy garment
The accuser was glad about his new look Zechariah 3
To shame him, God ordered new clothing for his son
What was to shame him; revealed the Father love
Jesus procured for you sonship in God
By adoption we became bona-fide children
Accepted in the beloved, seated above the enemy
Devil and his goons we trample under our feet
Have no doubt of who you are
The devil is good at questioning this truth
He tried and won with Adam
He lost with Jesus and he must with you
Nothing is to be accepted
Never relapse to a negative fate
Do not relinquish your victory
Great is the prize paid for your soul
Jesus death and resurrection is no fluke
We must cherish and live in its consciousness
Ignorance seems to be a joker with the devil
Get in the word; know who you are
You must also know the weapons deployed for you
For we advance by winning battles
Many may be the afflictions of the righteous
But we are promised victory all the time
Keep your head up child of God
You won’t be swamped in that trouble
It came and it will pass
Supposed shame will become honor
Don’t put on what is not comfortable
Tear off that tattered garment
Be dressed as the royal you are

Until it ended back into the fire it came from
Even its venom had no effect on him Acts 28:1-6
What was to kill him; honored him
The accuser was glad about his new look Zechariah 3
To shame him, God ordered new clothing for his son
What was to shame him; revealed the Father love
By adoption we became bona-fide children
Accepted in the beloved, seated above the enemy
Devil and his goons we trample under our feet
The devil is good at questioning this truth
He tried and won with Adam
He lost with Jesus and he must with you
Never relapse to a negative fate
Do not relinquish your victory
Great is the prize paid for your soul
We must cherish and live in its consciousness
Ignorance seems to be a joker with the devil
Get in the word; know who you are
For we advance by winning battles
Many may be the afflictions of the righteous
But we are promised victory all the time
You won’t be swamped in that trouble
It came and it will pass
Supposed shame will become honor
...for you were slaughtered, and your blood has ransomed people for God from
every tribe and nation... and they shall reign on the earth Revelations 5:9,10
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