A liar lies; no news
A thief steals; it’s no news either
They have acted only accordingly
This should not come as a surprise

John 10:10a described the devils assignment
He came to steal, kill and destroy
It’s a forewarning, we should take note
This information is to protect against him
When a bird flies, we say it’s meant to
However, no bird is to build its nest on my head
What is norm for the thief should not be excused by me
For great is the sacrifice of Jesus to set me free
You may be a thief; but you don’t steal from me
You may be a destroyer; but I am not your candidate
You may be a killer; but not of me and mine
Whatever is norm to satan; is not accepted by me
He painstakingly works out his plans
Looking for whom to bring down
It’s his daily task and he is diligent
Many are its victims; do not join the list
Be careful! Watch
out for attacks from the devil,
your great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion,
looking for some victim to devour 1 Peter 5:8
We know who and what the devil is
Do you know who and what you are?
The devil is true to his identity
Are you true to yours?
As there are physical thieves, there are spiritual
Trying to rob you of your valuables
They can come in any format
Heed the Lords counsel, don’t be a victim
Take a firm stand
against him, and be strong in your faith.
Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over
the world are going through same 1 Peter 5:9
Who or what the devil is not my worry
Who and what I am must be his headache
I am born of God and born to win
For every child of God defeats this devil 1 John 5:4
A thief steals; it’s no news either
They have acted only accordingly
This should not come as a surprise

He came to steal, kill and destroy
It’s a forewarning, we should take note
This information is to protect against him
However, no bird is to build its nest on my head
What is norm for the thief should not be excused by me
For great is the sacrifice of Jesus to set me free
You may be a destroyer; but I am not your candidate
You may be a killer; but not of me and mine
Whatever is norm to satan; is not accepted by me
Looking for whom to bring down
It’s his daily task and he is diligent
Many are its victims; do not join the list
your great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion,
looking for some victim to devour 1 Peter 5:8
Do you know who and what you are?
The devil is true to his identity
Are you true to yours?
Trying to rob you of your valuables
They can come in any format
Heed the Lords counsel, don’t be a victim
Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over
the world are going through same 1 Peter 5:9
Who and what I am must be his headache
I am born of God and born to win
For every child of God defeats this devil 1 John 5:4
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