Friday, 31 May 2024


When it rains, the earth drinks
The satisfied land nurtures seed
Soon we see blades of leaves
At the appointed time the harvest is reaped
When the rain falls
A farmer’s labour is worthwhile
The hard work under the sun is not wasted
His sweat is soothingly rewarded                          
When it rains
The earth can release its virtues
The barren land is revived
Then it can reach its full potential
My heavens must continue to release rain
My earth must continually drink its fill
My life must continually be refreshed
This circle of replenishing must always be in play
God describes His word as rain and snow
Which falls with a mission
To give nutrient to the hard soil
If this is not done the earth roasts
Rain is purposeful it doesn’t come all the time
Some seek ways to preserve its excess
Retained for days when there won’t be wetness
My life must never lack this richness
Rain is a seed, you must sow it
Release it by your faith confessions
Release it as you pray; release it in good works
Soon your life will produce continuously
It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it Isaiah 55:11     …tejuwrite…

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

It Comes...

Kill all Hebrew boys; was the assignment…
Immediately they come out from the womb…
While the mother is still on the birth bed…
Before the father can engage in a fight
The order came from the palace
Pharaoh the King wanted this done
This way; he can reduce Israelite population
Take the live he didn’t give
But two Egyptian women; shiphrah and Puah
At the detriment of their lives
Choose to let Hebrew boys live
They disobeyed their lord and king
Because they feared the King of Kings
They knew they had a choice
They choose to follow their conscience
They knew how a loss of a babe could be
For some without any prompting
They are ready to kill and maim
Ready to perpetuate all forms of evil
At little or no provocation
In all these The Almighty watched
The All seeing; All knowing paid attention
He saw them choose life than death
The same eyes sees you and i...
There will be a day of recompense for all
Pharaoh will get his at some point
The midwives also got theirs
As will you and i 
There is nothing done in secrecy
Don’t ever think you got away with it
Shortly rewards will be given
We will all get according to what we gave…
Because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own Ex. 1:20 …tejuwrite… 

Saturday, 18 May 2024

Remembering Home

Nehemiah is a cupbearer to the king
It is safe to say he is a servant
He was an Israelite serving in another country
He received news that all is not well back home…
So he prayed asking God to just listen
God just hear me out was is great petition
God in response obliged his request
What a way to pray
Because God paid attention
He gave credence to his fasting and prayer
He accepted his request for mercy for his brethren
Every other request was equally granted
It is no fun praying without results
We must ask with the confidence of receiving
He knew his nation suffered because of sin
So he approached God in fast and repentance
It is easy to disown and neglect them
After all he has relocated to greener pasture
But; he sought to receive pardon for them
He uphold them in prayers and fasting

He may not be in the town or country anymore
Home is home; don't ignore your root
While God gives and opens nations to us
We must remember where we came from
As we enjoy benefits in other countries
Let’s not ignore our ancestral route
From the help he got from his position to the king
He was able to help bring hope and restoration back home 
Nehemiah Chapter 1,2     ...tejuwrite...

Sunday, 12 May 2024

Now is OK

In the beginning the bible recall
The earth was dark and formless
We are not told how long this situation persist
However, immediately God spoke, things changed
When the Tower of Babel was being constructed
We don’t know how many months or years was put into it
We only know the instance God confused their language
The project stopped advancing
You may have prayed a while
Done all you know to do humanly
Be expectorant; because in an instance
The Lord will step in and make all the difference
There’s always a day of change; judgment comes
Every day for the thief; one day for the owner
The Lord will come suddenly
The devils mission will cease
It’s certain the Lord will show up at some point
I want to ensure He comes soon enough
I don’t want the devils persistence in my affairs
Let the Lords judgment come NOW!
Learn from the woman in Luke 18
Her persistence brought weariness to the judge
Morning, noon and night she travailed
Till the judge brought her speedy joy
Give the Lord no rest; persist in prayer
Win Him over with your argument
Present His word back to Him
Now is time to eject darkness in my life...
And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him... it tell you that He will avenge them speedily Luke 18:7,8 ...tejuwrite...

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Two Guys

A parable in scripture describes this fact
The story of the prodigal in Luke 15
The younger had audacity and asked
Even his strange request was granted
After squandering the money
He went through a time of hard living
No one gave to him even food
So he was left with eating pig’s pod
I’m sure he begged from whoever he met
But his help was not with them
He came to a realization one day
I will rather be a slave in my father’s house...
So he returned just to plead to be a servant
At least slaves here have even to spare
Father says; once a son always a son
He didn’t disown him despite his waywardness
The older brother on the other hand was dutiful
He did whatever he was asked to do
Never asking for any favors
So when his brother returned and was well received
He felt cheated and complained bitterly
He assumed the father will give him without asking
Father responded all I have his yours
Only you never asked…
Aside the fact that we must pray and ask
We must also ask aright
For any that engage in prayers
Please ask always in knowledge
If the devil cannot stop you praying
He will want you to pray amiss
The prodigal knew his right and demanded
Ask and you will receive...

Do not query the word
Don't just talk about your challenges and difficulties
Find out Gods position on your issues
Then place a demand in prayers... 

Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for... Mathew 7:7 ...tejuwrite...

Monday, 6 May 2024

Win Woman

She is a great woman from the bible descript
She was clothed with the sun…
She had the moon on her feet…
And wore a crown of twelve stars
She was going to bring forth a child
One vulnerable period in the life of any woman
She was moments away from thrilling joy
But there stood right before her; Lucifer        
The bible equally described him
A large red dragon with seven heads
His tail alone dragged down a third of the stars
He stood menacingly before the woman
Aimed for the kill as soon as the baby comes
At a point of pain and helplessness
Gods overwhelming presence swooped in
He punctured the expectation of evil
The many afflictions of the righteous
The threat people of destiny face
The trouble that seems to constantly look for them
Your product is a threat; so the devil is a ready enemy

God always preserve the one on a mission for Him
To keep winning, keep praying
It is a way to intimate God on your weakness
It is a way to receive strength and guidance
The woman won, she had thrilling joy
She had her victory dance; she told her success story
Gods got you always; no matter how close the threat
You will have your victory; you will bring forth

Be careful! watch out for attacks from the devil, your great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion looking for who to devour. Take a a firm stand against him and be strong in your faith... 1 Pet 5:8,9 ...tejuwrite...

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...