A parable in scripture describes this fact
The story of the prodigal in Luke 15
The younger had audacity and asked
Even his strange request was granted

After squandering the money
He went through a time of hard living
No one gave to him even food
So he was left with eating pig’s pod
I’m sure he begged from whoever he met
But his help was not with them
He came to a realization one day
I will rather be a slave in my father’s house...
So he returned just to plead to be a servant
At least slaves here have even to spare
Father says; once a son always a son
He didn’t disown him despite his waywardness
The older brother on the other hand was dutiful
He did whatever he was asked to do
Never asking for any favors
So when his brother returned and was well received
He felt cheated and complained bitterly
He assumed the father will give him without asking
Father responded all I have his yours
Only you never asked…
Aside the fact that we must pray and ask
We must also ask aright
For any that engage in prayers
Please ask always in knowledge
If the devil cannot stop you praying
He will want you to pray amiss
The prodigal knew his right and demanded
Ask and you will receive...
The story of the prodigal in Luke 15
The younger had audacity and asked
Even his strange request was granted

He went through a time of hard living
No one gave to him even food
So he was left with eating pig’s pod
But his help was not with them
He came to a realization one day
I will rather be a slave in my father’s house...
At least slaves here have even to spare
Father says; once a son always a son
He didn’t disown him despite his waywardness
He did whatever he was asked to do
Never asking for any favors
So when his brother returned and was well received
He assumed the father will give him without asking
Father responded all I have his yours
Only you never asked…
We must also ask aright
For any that engage in prayers
Please ask always in knowledge
He will want you to pray amiss
The prodigal knew his right and demanded
Ask and you will receive...
Do not query the word
Don't just talk about your challenges and difficulties
Find out Gods position on your issues
Then place a demand in prayers...
Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for... Mathew 7:7 ...tejuwrite...
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