Tuesday 28 May 2024

It Comes...

Kill all Hebrew boys; was the assignment…
Immediately they come out from the womb…
While the mother is still on the birth bed…
Before the father can engage in a fight
The order came from the palace
Pharaoh the King wanted this done
This way; he can reduce Israelite population
Take the live he didn’t give
But two Egyptian women; shiphrah and Puah
At the detriment of their lives
Choose to let Hebrew boys live
They disobeyed their lord and king
Because they feared the King of Kings
They knew they had a choice
They choose to follow their conscience
They knew how a loss of a babe could be
For some without any prompting
They are ready to kill and maim
Ready to perpetuate all forms of evil
At little or no provocation
In all these The Almighty watched
The All seeing; All knowing paid attention
He saw them choose life than death
The same eyes sees you and i...
There will be a day of recompense for all
Pharaoh will get his at some point
The midwives also got theirs
As will you and i 
There is nothing done in secrecy
Don’t ever think you got away with it
Shortly rewards will be given
We will all get according to what we gave…
Because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own Ex. 1:20 …tejuwrite… 

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