Saturday 18 May 2024

Remembering Home

Nehemiah is a cupbearer to the king
It is safe to say he is a servant
He was an Israelite serving in another country
He received news that all is not well back home…
So he prayed asking God to just listen
God just hear me out was is great petition
God in response obliged his request
What a way to pray
Because God paid attention
He gave credence to his fasting and prayer
He accepted his request for mercy for his brethren
Every other request was equally granted
It is no fun praying without results
We must ask with the confidence of receiving
He knew his nation suffered because of sin
So he approached God in fast and repentance
It is easy to disown and neglect them
After all he has relocated to greener pasture
But; he sought to receive pardon for them
He uphold them in prayers and fasting

He may not be in the town or country anymore
Home is home; don't ignore your root
While God gives and opens nations to us
We must remember where we came from
As we enjoy benefits in other countries
Let’s not ignore our ancestral route
From the help he got from his position to the king
He was able to help bring hope and restoration back home 
Nehemiah Chapter 1,2     ...tejuwrite...

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