It’s a great month; a time of gratitude
The Lord has faithfully kept us
Grateful for the air I breathe
God’s love and goodness not slacking

Countless miracles daily gifted
To be among the living I thank you Lord
He raises, He increases, He promotes
Every day I get to see I rejoice
I have experienced the Lords compassion
I have enjoyed His fellowship
I have relished His favors
I have been shown His kindness
His blessings are immeasurable
Who can truly quantify His Helps?
Tender loving caring Father
Even in days when the sun refused to shine…
Hoping in His word has been the anchor
He alone safely guides to safe harbors
I have been steered to safety all times
What should pull me down; He made my lift…
Many tears He converted to laughter
Shame He constantly made my stranger
I have thrived just because He’s my Lord
Here’s my thanks; my gratitude
I’m grateful for Life, Health, Provision, and Family
I’m grateful for Peace, Endeavors, and Victory
I’m grateful for opportunities, open doors, sound mind
I’m grateful for salvation, possibilities, and wealth
The Lord has faithfully kept us
Grateful for the air I breathe
God’s love and goodness not slacking

To be among the living I thank you Lord
He raises, He increases, He promotes
Every day I get to see I rejoice
I have enjoyed His fellowship
I have relished His favors
I have been shown His kindness
Who can truly quantify His Helps?
Tender loving caring Father
Even in days when the sun refused to shine…
He alone safely guides to safe harbors
I have been steered to safety all times
What should pull me down; He made my lift…
Shame He constantly made my stranger
I have thrived just because He’s my Lord
Here’s my thanks; my gratitude
I’m grateful for Peace, Endeavors, and Victory
I’m grateful for opportunities, open doors, sound mind
I’m grateful for salvation, possibilities, and wealth
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