Sunday, 30 July 2023


Misery is said to love company
Mr. Depression and Mrs. Discouragement often pair
Joy and strength is also a couple
You have to deliberately dissociate from Mr. and Mrs. D
You need the presence of God always
Misery is not in the IAM’s company
Create some LOL
Make light whatever seems to bother you
You need to burst out and laugh
Laugh just for the fun of it
Inspiration and guidance comes from a well of joy
Depression locks you up in Impossibility Island
In joy are youth, beauty and wellness
Pause for a moment and just Laugh Out Loud
I see so many faces with a frown
Light up with a smile, share some joy and cheer
That there won’t be reason for sorrow is deception
But we are admonished to take it to God in prayers
The devils idea is to isolate you in sadness
What I do is to take some time off and just laugh
Laughing is a trait I copied from God; Psalm 2 details it
If my Father laughs at challenges, why should I mourn?
O what peace we often forfeit, o what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer
This hymn capture my epistle
We are instructed to talk to God about everything
This is an all-inclusive word; everything excludes nothing
Pray about the worry and never worry about the trouble
Take a moment and LOL
A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength Proverbs 17:22

Similar title Fight This D….

Friday, 28 July 2023

Virgin Girl Time

Mary is a product of Prophecy and divine timing
Her story will surface just at the right time
Not a minute before; not a minute later
Do you have a divine promise...? 
God makes things beautiful in its own time
Never worry your head on someone’s else day
Believe in your divine prophecy; it will be fulfilled
Keep expecting no matter what
Many stray away just before their fullness of time
Many are nowhere when their day dawns
Many are too depressed and discouraged to hear
Many seek ways to help God do as He promised
God will come just as He told you; but engage in prayers
Pray specifically against delays
Pray that no storm will sweep you off
Pray for speed
Wonder why you must pray?
Pray because your enemy devil, wants to see you fail
He wants to kick you off the part
You will do well to pray against his tactics
This charge I commit to you son Timothy, according to the prophecies which
went before you. That you by them might war a good warfare 1 Timothy 1:18
In essence you don’t watch prophecy
You war in prayers with them
Never play down its importance
Prayer is the catalyst of true prophecy
If it happened for Mary, It will happen for you
You will have your own time, God never fails 
Nothing can stop you but pray
Your time is here it will not delay
You are blessed, because you believed that the Lord would do what he said Luke 1:45

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Wisdom Tells...

Prayer is good, I spend quality time in it
To even be a writer you have got to be a reader
So I spend time in study
But the kind of blessings I get, I think God is just mindful of me
His eyes is on the sparrow, He watches me lovingly
However, despite all, if I receive nothing in return
Who do I report Him to…
Wisdom tells me to be grateful all the time
We all are products of mercy
Regardless of the times
The Father has been good
Each day you get off your bed, give Him Praise
I have read the book of revelation once or twice
Two occasions where His doors were wide open
Was when praises was coming up to Him
Wisdom tells to acknowledge Him daily
Sometimes we need to look away from the obvious
We need to shut the door to the media
We must deliberately seek Him out to worship
He is a Sovereign, He is Unquestionable
God; I guess sometimes laughs at our folly
If only we know, that the one who doesn’t want you to praise
Was once a minstrel in heaven
Lucifer, satan devil...; knows the import of praise
Engage in praise as a lifestyle
Shut your door, tum up the music and dance
Create an atmosphere similar to heaven in your home
Even when in transit get some praise going
Sing in joy, let people wonder why your pleasing shouts
Recall all He has done; recount his daily mercy
Let your home be full of laughs
I will love to visit such home, and so will God

God’s natural habitat is a place of praise
Wisdom tells me to join in always

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Virgin Girl Wisdom

The story of Mary is known world over
In recent time I find myself studying her from the gospel
Aside being the birth mother of Jesus
What is it about this favoured icon?
As I looked keenly at this young woman
I saw wisdom in her ways
Such that can be applied in parenting
And in the times that we are in
She had just been informed she will birth a son
She has accepted the responsibility
But does she know what her decision truly entails...
She took a step almost immediately
Bible records she hurriedly paid Elizabeth her aunt a visit
She decided that rather than stay where I am
I will travel to where I can be helped
Where faith will be enhanced for the months ahead
Imagine if she didn’t visit Elizabeth who also was pregnant
Who had an understanding of the ways of God…
Who knew her pregnancy was divine
Whose word will give her courage to face the world
Had Mary stayed around people that were negative
People that will critique and question her claim of divinity
People that were non-believers
She will never have been successful
It is obvious times are hard, economy is biting
But you have a choice of whom and what you listen to
Will you hang around the negatives on the media?
Or pally with the word of God at these times
Reading the words of Elizabeth to Mary
It’s obvious she was not seeing the natural
Her comments were not from head knowledge or logic
Please learn like I did and still doing
Don’t hang around the negatives and logical reasoning
If you stay with the news its not pleasant
Take the effort; travel like Mary to where you will be inspired
Where you can access Gods mind to you in these times

Virgin Mary thrived where she would have been condemned
She got support in place of rejection
Because she choose to believe Gods promise
She choose the company that will allow her vision live 

 Choose Faith rather than Fear; Go with Mary Luke 1:38 - 56

Friday, 21 July 2023


Weeping may be for the night
But joy comes soon
Faithful God can be trusted
You are not alone in the world
Though no one seem to understand
You pass with no glance from any
When efforts are not recognized or rewarded
When those you help turn against you
Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God.
He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand 
generations and constantly loves those who love him and 
obey his commands. Deuteronomy 7:9

Loyalty can be compromised
Man’s intentions may be steeped in selfishness
Trust God, He is faithful
He’s a solid anchor; sturdiest force
No prayer goes unnoticed
No cries go unheard
No sigh is ignored
No care is shrug off
Dry your eyes no need to cry
Worry not; your faithful helper will show up
It may take four more days like Lazarus
Or overnight like Daniel; It may tarry but wait

He remains faithful even when we are unfaithful
In any case never stop praying he hears; he answers
Be convinced beyond doubt
He is Faithful, Credible and can be trusted
I have been young and now I am old, Yet I have not seen the righteous (those in right standing with God) abandoned or his descendants pleading for bread. Psalm 37:25

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Father Gives

If you have ever made a promise to a child
Be sure you will be buffeted daily to honor it
You will only breathe when you fulfill your word
This childlike disposition is needed today
When they have special days approaching…
Be sure that date won’t pass without some gifts from you
The excitement they will display in expecting their goodies
Will make you not disappoint them
Having gone through this pattern a couple of times
I devised a strategy suitable for my pocket
I peg down the would be request within a budget
I tender my proposal before they come up with their own
All I have done is to try to play it safe
I believe most parents try to meet their children needs
However, if allowed they can ask for sun, moon and more
And the best of us is limited in a way or the other
Thankfully, there is a benevolent God
There is nothing beyond His capacity
He is unlimited and has capacity to grant and go beyond
We can and should expect more from Him
When it comes to God giving gifts to men
We put a huge question mark on His ability and willingness
I will not try to plead Gods case
I can only liken us as children with a parent
If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more
will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!
Mathew 7:11
This promise goes specifically to those who he fathered
Those who recognize Him and place Him as their Father
If you are truly a child, ask yourself why are you in lack… 
Because God the Father gives, Always

Tuesday, 18 July 2023


It’s not likely we’ll get compassionate leaders at all levels
Its most likely human policy won’t be favorable to all
It’s certain people will rescind on promises
It’s important we deliberately become compassionate
There is no perfect man, we are all imperfect
There is none without fault, expect flaws
Give allowance for errors, we often make mistake
However, we need people with a golden heart
Indeed all fingers aren’t equal, so lend a hand when you can
The poor won’t just evaporate to thin air, so give
Your leftover may be someone’s buffet, practice benevolence
We just need more compassion in our world
You have a wardrobe full of unworn clothes, give to charity
You have store houses of food, do you know several go hungry
Keeping more than you need makes you a hoarder
Compassion must be restored to our world
Our Lord Jesus often acted prompted by compassion
He could have left us to rot after Adam fell
But he made plan to restore us to son ship
None can replicate what he did, but let’s do good
There is such wickedness and cruelty in our world
The hate out there is just puzzling
At the base we see greed; wanting more, giving none
I pray compassion rises in human hearts
Be moved by the plight of others
Me, Myself and I; we have had enough of
My bit, your input will reduce human pangs
While we decry government policies; let’s help where we can
Whenever we have the opportunity, let us do good to all men Galatians 6:10a 

Monday, 17 July 2023

Apollos, Paul, ...,

 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow 1 Cor 3:16

Different parts makes up a body
Each unique in its function
None better than the other
All working to ensure wholeness
In reaching the lost, we all get different role
Paul planted; he has been tasked with this duty
Apollos watered; he also gets to do something
God gives the increase. This is the important union
The above approach means dependency
We need each individual part up and running
You may be a Paul by the unique grace given
Or Apollos who gets the watering role
The important thing is we are bent and working
If you have accepted Jesus as your LORD and Saviour
You are either a Paul or Apollos
How this apply in your job function is yours to find out
How can you play the Ostrich?
While the world visibly need Jesus
What are you doing to get the gospel out there?
What medium are you using for this?
Everyone seems to be running his own race
Doing his own thing; minding his own business
This cant continue; the gospel must reach the entire world?
People needs to be discipled?

We have to prove our love to Jesus beyond words
We have to get our hands dirty
We have to call out to the lost
We have to plant or water...

Sons of God

Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him,
Because he had not only broken the Sabbath,
but said also that God was his Father
making himself equal with God. John 5:18
This above scripture seem to annoy the Jews
They are a people vast in the knowledge of God’s word
But they seem to be having a hard time accepting this truth
How can Jesus born of Mary and Joseph lay claim on Divinity
Jesus did not come to please any sect
He came to establish his own order
He did not come to fit into any  mold
He came to be the standard
2000 years after, many still have a problem with this fact
Thankfully this words are written in red; spoken by Jesus
I don’t know how you see yourself, but…
This divine paternity can be for anyone. This is how…
…To those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God John 1:12
Accepting Jesus as Lord bequeaths on you this privilege
The choice is yours; you may believe in the one who spoke it
Or you can allow human logic dictate otherwise
If God wants us to share is divinity; then I simply accept
I am not going to deny my identity to make the devil or anyone happy
I am going to go on enjoying being a child of the Sovereign
I will bask in the knowledge of true son ship
After all I was bequeathed
Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law I said Ye are Gods? John 10:34
Discover the treasures in this profound truth
Walk in these reality; enjoy this privileged status
This is your posture of authority; use it in knowledge and faith
A believer should have it no other way

Sunday, 16 July 2023

The Name

Names are powerful; it can open or close doors
A good name is great to have, it has so many benefits
It conveys pleasantness or otherwise
But no name is grand as Jesus the Christ
Where are the great names of yester years?
Every name no matter the bearer is limited
No one can be great for all time and in all places
Man and his name is fleeting and finite
I can wake up this morning and call myself Teju Biden
Of course everyone knows it’s a lie
We all could benefit from a good name…
But none still as good as my Lord Jesus
Do we recognize what we have?
Do we value what we have been bestowed?
Do we enjoy the promise attached?
Believers! Do we really believe in the power of the name?
It works for those who use it in faith
It works for those who use it in prayers
It works when the motive is love
It is effective all times, efficient in all places
Brace yourself be conscious of His name
Accepting it will restore your joy
Let not doubt, unbelief or human logic stop you
Jesus tis the greatest name there is

...for neither is there any other name under heaven, that
is given among men, wherein we must be saved Acts 4:12

Wherefore God also has highly exalted him, and given him a name which is 
above every name. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow... Phil 2:9-11


Thursday, 13 July 2023

Find Yourself; Find a Mate

Achieving success is Gods desire for his children
More so in our families which is the bedrock of a society
This is not wished for; it is worked hard at
And the start is the foundation. Marriage
The errors in our ways will not erode Gods purpose
Marriage is a good thing that God brings a couple into
It is intended for joyous cohabiting not sorrow and regret
The failure we see is all man made
A successful marriage is not sold in stores
It is worked daily at in the workshop
I will not list any ingredients or steps…
We have so many steps and many failing homes
Knowledge and prayer is too crucial
However; before you find a mate, find yourself first
Know who you are and what works for you
Where are you headed and who can help you get there
Companies deploy resources just to get the right employee
They interview thousands to select just a few
If they understand how important the right staff is
Is marriage not worth more detailing?
In as much as you will like some lone time in courtship
Spend more time together in the company of those who know you 
What your love-struck eyes is too blind to see
Their binocular eye will help you spot
Many have regrets because of counsel they didn’t heed
The stories are bitter
The children are at the receiving end
A failed home affects the society

From this place of honesty approach God in prayers
He will not choose for you, but prayers helps greatly
Marriage is good and to be enjoyed


Wednesday, 12 July 2023

The Team in Joel Chapter 2

Our task as believers is to prepare the way for the Lord
This is the calling of John the Baptist
He came announcing the coming of Jesus
A herald must announce the entering of the king
The Lord sends us to awake the slumber party
To remind them of the purpose for salvation
We are not saved to lie idly by
We are to prepare for the return of our king
Our interest must be in what interests the Lord
Our goal is to serve His pleasure
There is a prophesied mighty harvest
But where are the labourers working on the field?
We are to prepare the way for the Holy Spirit
There is another outpouring of the Power of God
Greater than ever recorded in history
These are detailed prophecies the devil seek to kill
Joel 2 reports a time such as these
A mighty host valiant and trained
They have understanding of the times
And are the heralds of the Lords return
They have specific instructions from the Lord
And they carry it out promptly
They are groomed by fasting and prayers
And have their hearts sold out to the Lord
They bare Gods truth
For the purpose of correcting the saints
Waking the church
And the Lord gives speed to their movements
Nothing is stopping this troupe
When they fall on the sword, they don’t wound
They are backed by the Lord who leads them
These hosts invades the land suddenly


Monday, 10 July 2023

Go For The Head

Many a time it seems God has no way of sorting issues
All the woes in the world; yet no God in view
God has given the solution, we are not paying attention
We seem to seek complexities; when Gods way are often simple
They seem so ordinary that it is often despised
General Naaman is an example…2 Kings 5
He questioned the simple instruction of bathing in Jordan
He wanted something more complex
The devil has been our enemy from inception
God gave us through Mama Eve the bailout...
Crush the head of the serpent…
He won’t even get to hurt your heel
This truth is applicable in all sectors
Example; in tracking cocaine lords
They deploy undercover agents just to expose the head
Once you get the head, you bring down the cartel
This wisdom was first given by God…
Genesis 3:15 …She will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."
In delivering Israel God sent Moses to the head and none else
Don't beat around the body, go for the head
If this simple truth is despised, victories will be incomplete
The world will be no better…
The negatives in the world are sponsored by some few
They infiltrate government and institutions
They sponsor bills that propagate evil
These agents of devil are gaining ground
Believers are busy dealing with their offshoots
To win we must understand Gods given tactics…
Be offensive towards the opposition
Many are defensive and losing 
Go for the head is God's simple way
If you target the heel, that battle is unfinished

These truth are compressed in few lines let it aid your search and discovery
These truths are to be shared to help the body
It is time to engage the evil heads
Victory is assured; but knowledge is key

To target the head, you must not be weak
Build your muscle in prayers and study...


Sunday, 9 July 2023

To the Voiceless

How will Mary convince her fiancé she didn't commit adultery?
Basic knowledge tells us how pregnancy comes
How do you present a case this complex?
How do you explain the unexplainable?

She had been labeled an adulterer
The best lawyers cannot convince otherwise
To prove her innocence beyond any doubt...
Only Divinity can 

She needs all the support she can get at this crucial state
Joseph's decision is to put her away secretly
She would have to face the prying eyes alone
But there is a voice for the voiceless

She enjoyed the backing of God who sent her
The Lord showed up for her cause
He turned would be enmity into lifelong companionship
Josephs' fatherly role was essential to raise Jesus

This is a great help and vindication for Mary
Just imagine Mary alone to bare this burden
It’s comforting to enjoy Divine assistance
If the Lord sent you; relax He is with you
On this unique errand Mary had various affirmations
Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist
Prophetess Anna; Simon and several others
Appearing at different times urging her to success
Just as Mother Mary, we must expect God sent helpers
They will line our routes in different capacity
Each with a divine mission to ensure we finish well
Mary couldn't convince one; God convinced all
He is the voice of the voiceless
Make a demand always for what you want from Him
If He sent you...;
He will raise up voices where you are voiceless

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”Mathew 28:18-20


Saturday, 8 July 2023


Blessings; everyone wants it
The more you are blessed
The more you get to do
The faster you achieve
The man Job was so blessed
Beautiful family, store house of wealth
But in a single day he lost everything
He was left in sickness and wished to die
He who once rode in chariots crawled
He once had servants now worse than a slave
He fell from blessings into an accursed
Even his wife advised him to curse God and die
Was this event the desire of God for him?                                                         
Those who knew how he loved God may wonder
How does one who trusted land in this terrible state
Why does God not shield him from these woes?
As Daniel was being lowered into the lion’s den…
He must be partly afraid
I may never see my family again he thought
But I trust God to vindicate me
Walking with God may take you through some dark routes
You may face adversity like Job
You may be lied against like Daniel
But the Father showed up for them
Weeping may linger for the night
There is so much testimony in the dawn
You will rot in the pit
What was meant to bury you, will lose its grip
Daniel prayed for help
Job repented and trusted again
Never stop praying, God hears
God is not the enemy; He is your helper
Blessings is your heritage
Whatever was lost will be doubly restored

Thursday, 6 July 2023

Vengeance Belongs to God

Vengeance is of God
Many a time man wants to take law in his hands
It may seem fulfilling but this is wrong
To me belong vengeance and recompense Duet 32:35
If you have ever seen God take vengeance
You will actually prefer it
However vengeance or justice is demanded
You pray in faith asking God
We don’t receive because we failed to ask
The same way you approach a court for justice
You approach God presenting your evidence in prayers
And leave the just judge to act
Persistence in prayers is very crucial
Luke 18 records the story of a woman who got justice
She engaged an unrighteous judge and was vindicated
How much more when you approach a just God
God is a Sovereign ruler, He seats atop the world
However He is concerned about all men
He will grant justice and speedily too
Just know He cares for you
Even when you experience delay
Don’t quit in prayers; no request will be snubbed
Keep asking persistently
If you need justice, it is time to ask
Knowledge is crucial to a believer
Ignorance leads to suffering
Reading and meditating on God’s word is key
Light up your life with His word
If its justice you seek, it’s yours by asking in faith
further read Luke chapter 18

Casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]. 1 Peter 5:7 Amplified 

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...