Saturday 29 June 2024

Great Day

The moonshines brightly
It lights the sky just as the sun
Its brilliance is amazing
What a lovely of sights
Beholding Gods creation makes one ponder
Who is this unseen being?
The creator of this mass space called earth
Filled with untold creations
I wonder if Adam got to name them all
The heavens is another mystery of His
Where is there foundation laid?
What pillars suspends them from falling…?
Every of His creation is a marvel
Their intricate detail still undergoing research
With new discoveries emerging frequently
Yet we have not seen it all
Generations gone; yet we daily increase
There’s no extinction of man or mammals
We come and we go
Yet His Majesty remains
I know every of His marvelous wonders...
Will find ways to celebrate His greatness
Each creature appreciative for His breathe
Find ways to convey your honor to Him

Be creative in reeling out appreciation
Do not be stingy in singing His praise
Dance and hail your Excellent Maker
Its yet another day and I thank God for life

Tuesday 25 June 2024

All Good

Through a series of unpleasant events
The brothers of Joseph were actually helping…
All they meant for evil
Was actually needed to bring him to glory
If they knew better
They would have shown him love not hate
They won’t have plotted to have him killed
Or eventually sold into slavery
I actually wondered why they refrained
From searching or tracing him out
When they saw how badly their father took the news
They will rather watch his torment than see Joseph again
If Satan knew he won’t have plotted to exterminate Jesus
His mission would have been to guard him...
He would have volunteered to be His security...
Unknown to him, his evil was for the Messiahs good
All things works together for our good
The events may bring hurt
It may bring tears and sorrow
But watch out; it will be good
The Lord will use the disadvantage
To make you the attraction...
What is to reduce or ridicule you...
Will be your springboard to next levels
This is why you must rejoice in affliction
Because it will end in smiles...
And the Lord will yet use it; to move you forward
Relax, Praise, Pray It’s all good…

And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them Romans 8:28     …tejuwrite…

Saturday 22 June 2024


If we are to decide how we look
Our skin colour, height, weight
We will quickly drop our preferred spec
Probably a pointed nose, red lips, curly hair
But those have already being decided for us
Within hours of conception your fate is sealed
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is a hereditary material
It passes genes from one person to the next generation
It’s a copy and paste system from one to another
So your look is a genetic inheritance
There have been more calls for DNA to decide paternity
Especially when a father is in doubt
All these are physical attributes
That must connect us to an ancestry
However; we have a divine lineage
We are sons and daughters of the Most High
This is what salvation confers on us
If you have received the Lord as your personal savior
You don’t just get to be called a Christian
You become entitled to all divine benefits
You may not look different, but you have divine DNA
These divine resemblance must equally show
You can by this expect a life of all-round goodness
You can also decide against all negative vibes

A life of peace, contentment and hope for better
Victory, health, provision, protection at all times
This doesn't mean that there wont be contrary happenings
But a confidence boaster is in your rich ancestry in Christ

Find out more of your new status in Christ
As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us 
everything we need for living a godly life. he has called
us to receive his own glory and goodness 2 Pet1:3   

Thursday 20 June 2024


So much is known of Moses first 40years
How as a new born he was put in a basket
And set on the Nile; His rescue and care
How he lived and studied as a youngster in Egypt
We also know of his attempt to help Israel
How it backfired and sent him on exile
However the next major news will be…
When he met with God in the burning bush
The next 40 years were silent years
But there are tell tale signs of Gods involvement
How was it he came to settle down in Jethro house
Who himself was a Priest of God in Midian
As a son-in-law; living with him
He must have had indirect interactions with the Lord
Burning of incense, sacrifices and offerings
Godly virtues will have been rubbing on him
Lets not forget that when he first arrived 
They addressed him as an Egyptian
His looks, dressing, accent, demeanor etc.
Will have communicated where he is from
In this we see The Lords hand silently molding...
Behind the curtain a prominent future leader
Those 40 years with Jethro helped model and train him
To attain Gods glory purpose for him
If like Moses you seem to be in obscurity
Confused of life, dream and destiny pursuit
Allow for the hand of God to shape you
Be assured that like Moses you are not forgotten
Watch out for and learn from your Jethro(s) 
They may be difficult and confused times
However believe that He sees, knows and cares…
In Gods time; He will light the fire to get your attention 
Exodus 3    ...tejuwrite...


Moses; former prince of Egypt...
Is quickly adapting to a new life...
Married with children; a job; a house…
On the surface he can be said to be content...
He set out on this day with his father-in-laws flock
From having and living in abundance…
To the nomadic life of a shepherd…
Taking care of animals, which are not even his...
He has been forced to embrace his true identity
Nothing about him  reveal his opulent past
He has dropped the fine princely robes and jewelry...
For the plain Hebrew flock and staff

He can no more enjoy the advantages of Egypt
His parents and siblings slaved for the Egyptians
He had been exempted by divine intervention
He now is fast settling to a life away from his people
He had used his privileges to help them
But his action and motive was misinterpreted
He bit the finger that fed him
For this he will run from the terror of the Pharaoh
Now he was trying to let go of the past
And fully settle into the new identity
He has made progress in this
The job to rescue Israel is not his; or so he thought...
God wasn’t through with this 80 year old man
So the Lord sought to get His attention…
He restored the unmotivated man
He built the confidence of a stammerer
He launched him out again
He can confront those he fled from
He will reunite and help his people
This time Moses will succeed for God backed him

Saturday 15 June 2024


You can’t do much if you don’t increase
You can’t be a blessing if you don’t multiply
Five loaves and two fishes is a single meal
Its multiple however, fed thousands
The decree at creation is to be fruitful; to multiply
Then you will fill and subdue the earth
As Israel multiplied Pharaoh panicked
Their increase became a threat to Egypt
All manner of method was introduced to reduce them
Despite; God increased them the more
You must multiply in all that pertains...
This is Gods will for you
Believe and plan for it
Pray and work towards this
But note your multiplication is a threat to Satan
He will do all sorts just as he did in Egypt
Keep resisting and insisting on your multiplication
Family, business all you do must expand
This must happen; this is Gods will
Enemies like or not…
And the Lord multiplied the people of Israel until they became too mighty for their enemies. 
Ps. 105:24 …tejuwrite…

Friday 14 June 2024

Yes Sir!

He slept rather deeply…
Oblivious of the raging storm…
The threat was so much…
That the sailors emptied their cargo…
They tried steering the ship at best…
They called on the gods they knew…
Suddenly they remembered Jonah…
Who can sleep in these storm; they pondered
God is Sovereign; He is the Ultimate Head
He must have His way; when and how He wants
He  must be obeyed regardless of the excuse
No one can cancel what He approves
All bow in surrender of His will for me
All things living or none must conform
No one will be able to annul Gods approval
Only His verdict; not of any other being
Through His display of might
Jonah submitted to His ruling
He didn’t know the extent God will go…
To have His desires fulfilled

There is no hiding from His Sight
There is no place He cannot access
When God says yes; yes it is
Whatever it takes; no is not my answer
Do you sense sabotage of Gods expressed counsel?
Then call on The Sovereign Majesty quickly
Let Him rebuke detractors for you
Let Him will them to His submission
He permitted no one to do them wrong; Yes, He rebuked kings for their sakes Ps 105:14 …tejuwrite… 

Wednesday 12 June 2024

More; Not Satisfied

Jesus touched a man once and asked him to go wash…
He returned and demanded for another
The blind said he saw men as trees
At the second touch; his sight was perfected
When the Ark of the Covenant was captured…
And placed in the temple of god Dagon…
Day 1 they thought his fall was in error
Day 2 it fell and broke more body parts
A man brought his son to the apostles for deliverance
The disciples couldn’t effectively handle the situation
He brought the boy again to Jesus
And his son received his total deliverance
Never settle for half or manage what you don’t want
Do not quit because you tried once and failed
Don’t stop praying because your answer is not coming
If you want a specific thing go all out for it
Many quit and stop at good
There is good, better, best, extra ordinary, glorious etc.
The choice is ultimately yours
If you are ok with good you forfeit better, best etc
Seeing men as trees is good enough for a blind
However, the perfect package is also available
The man had to seek Jesus again
He could have headed home at least he sees partly
When God dealt with god Dagon
At first they didn’t get his full vengeance
They would have kept the Ark of the Covenant…
If God had not struck again
Whatever you envisage to receive from the Lord
Let nothing deter your full benefit
Press further; do not accept half
Stretch further your full package awaits you… 
Mark 8:23,24...      ...tejuwrite...

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Both Ways...

Whoever or whatever took Lazarus out
God can restore and bring him back
Whatever the wicked has or can do
The Almighty can always undo
After all He can kill and make alive...
Whatever made Naaman the Captain Leprous?
The Lord restored and gave him new skin
 Even the wife can’t compete with what he got
For when God restores, He makes even better
The sickness that killed Lazarus
Had vanished when the Lord brought him out
He came out with fresh organs and system…
A woman in scripture was bent over for 18 years...
The Lord straightened her up
A woman was bleeding for 12 years...
The Lord stopped the menstrual flow
He did same to a man lame for 38 years...
Who probably had no hope of ever walking
With God it's never over, things can change
At His intervention; He walked on both feet
What has made you cry; can make you laugh
What has held you down; can make you the envied
What has shamed you; can bring you glory
What has bound you; can set others free
The devil has no final say over you
Cry out in prayer for help and restoration
There is a miracle with your name boldly printed
Only God can kill and make alive…
The Lord makes poor and makes rich, He brings low and He brings up. 1 Sam 2:6,7   …tejuwrite… 

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Do Not Touch

God’s ways are not ours
We can’t figure out why He allows certain things
Why He can extend mercy to wicked men
Why He refrain from bringing instant judgment
You can always convince God to act in your favour
You can approach His judicial capacity
You can present reasons for expedite judgments
You can win Him over by strong arguments
They have been warned to desist from evil
Yet they seek ways to advance their cause
The thief will meet his waterloo
All wickedness is judged
Let your eyes be open
When you sleep pray you are lightened
That you know what’s been planned in secret
That you may outwit those who oppose you
They look for ways and avenues for evil
They have ears that disdain simple truths
Touch not my anointed; do my people no harm…
Yet this common verse they ignore…
Welcome Gods vengeance
We say He gives long rope for repentance
But; it’s so the wicked can repent
Take advantage of His daily mercy
However; seek Him to judge all wickedness
Have Him silence wicked men for you
Watch him forbid the devils advance
Let my protector show up
Don’t be afraid, I am with you. Don’t tremble with fear. I am your God. I will make you strong, as I protect you with my arm and give you victories Isaiah 41:10 CEV …tejuwrite… 

Praise Still...

Let everyone that has breath... It’s not let everyone that has music… While sound can enhance our praise Our worship must be in recognition ...