He slept rather deeply…
Oblivious of the raging storm…
The threat was so much…
That the sailors emptied their cargo…

They tried steering the ship at best…
They called on the gods they knew…
Suddenly they remembered Jonah…
Who can sleep in these storm; they pondered
God is Sovereign; He is the Ultimate Head
He must have His way; when and how He wants
He must be obeyed regardless of the excuse
No one can cancel what He approves
All bow in surrender of His will for me
All things living or none must conform
No one will be able to annul Gods approval
Only His verdict; not of any other being
Through His display of might
Jonah submitted to His ruling
He didn’t know the extent God will go…
To have His desires fulfilled
Oblivious of the raging storm…
The threat was so much…
That the sailors emptied their cargo…

They called on the gods they knew…
Suddenly they remembered Jonah…
Who can sleep in these storm; they pondered
He must have His way; when and how He wants
He must be obeyed regardless of the excuse
No one can cancel what He approves
All things living or none must conform
No one will be able to annul Gods approval
Only His verdict; not of any other being
Jonah submitted to His ruling
He didn’t know the extent God will go…
To have His desires fulfilled
There is no hiding from His Sight
There is no place He cannot access
When God says yes; yes it is
Whatever it takes; no is not my answer
Then call on The Sovereign Majesty quickly
Let Him rebuke detractors for you
Let Him will them to His submission
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