Saturday 22 June 2024


If we are to decide how we look
Our skin colour, height, weight
We will quickly drop our preferred spec
Probably a pointed nose, red lips, curly hair
But those have already being decided for us
Within hours of conception your fate is sealed
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is a hereditary material
It passes genes from one person to the next generation
It’s a copy and paste system from one to another
So your look is a genetic inheritance
There have been more calls for DNA to decide paternity
Especially when a father is in doubt
All these are physical attributes
That must connect us to an ancestry
However; we have a divine lineage
We are sons and daughters of the Most High
This is what salvation confers on us
If you have received the Lord as your personal savior
You don’t just get to be called a Christian
You become entitled to all divine benefits
You may not look different, but you have divine DNA
These divine resemblance must equally show
You can by this expect a life of all-round goodness
You can also decide against all negative vibes

A life of peace, contentment and hope for better
Victory, health, provision, protection at all times
This doesn't mean that there wont be contrary happenings
But a confidence boaster is in your rich ancestry in Christ

Find out more of your new status in Christ
As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us 
everything we need for living a godly life. he has called
us to receive his own glory and goodness 2 Pet1:3   

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