Saturday 29 June 2024

Great Day

The moonshines brightly
It lights the sky just as the sun
Its brilliance is amazing
What a lovely of sights
Beholding Gods creation makes one ponder
Who is this unseen being?
The creator of this mass space called earth
Filled with untold creations
I wonder if Adam got to name them all
The heavens is another mystery of His
Where is there foundation laid?
What pillars suspends them from falling…?
Every of His creation is a marvel
Their intricate detail still undergoing research
With new discoveries emerging frequently
Yet we have not seen it all
Generations gone; yet we daily increase
There’s no extinction of man or mammals
We come and we go
Yet His Majesty remains
I know every of His marvelous wonders...
Will find ways to celebrate His greatness
Each creature appreciative for His breathe
Find ways to convey your honor to Him

Be creative in reeling out appreciation
Do not be stingy in singing His praise
Dance and hail your Excellent Maker
Its yet another day and I thank God for life

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No To Poverty

How do you tell a child there’s no food? Hope you know the child won’t understand The child would also not stop crying Asking you for what t...