What really can satisfy?
Wealth, marriage, children, business
I realized that when you get one you are out to look for
If you have seen it all like Solomon
Then you will agree… vanity upon vanity is vanity
The poor wishes; if only I have money
He wealthy wishes; may I never revert to poverty
The one that is married wishes; if only I have children
The one that has children wishes; may I live long to take
care of them
The business tycoon wishes; to make more money
And those whose business is to cause pain; wishes for
The marvel of the world we inhabit
So are you satisfied?
Most wishes to have more money
If you really know the secret pain of those you admire
You will not envy them as much
Make your house a home
Enjoy today as you aspire for a better tomorrow
One day at a time happily
Find satisfaction in your in perfect world
Or you may realize worry will rob you of your joy
Enjoy your life with those you have the way you are
So I saw that there
is nothing better for a man than to enjoy his work, because that is his lot. For
who can bring him to see what will happen after him. Ecclesiastics 3:22
tejuwrite@gmail.com #sharegoodnews