Monday, 9 November 2015

Why (concluded)

Could it be because we are not the nation on the news?
Or the ones been maimed
The kingdom of God is not defensive
We are supposed to be offensive
Arise; is the charge and take the battle to the frontiers of the devil

We know our weapon is in the word and a good one we should use is prayer
Not give me, bless me prayer
But launch at the devil
Shut him down
Arise in prayer

My advice if you refuse to act;
Salvation will come for the majority
But I am sure you will not escape
Your lush apparel or your latest mobility
Could cloud your thought

I shake my head in anguish as I see the church of Jesus
Who begat this weak and sickly
Who spend their time praying for the enemy to die?
Fall down and die seems like a fuel for the devil to rise and do more
We order the devil out in Jesus name to focus on more import things

The destiny of nations should be our focus not for your single life to be a project for the entire church
Jesus said seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness
Give God first, and then see if He will not be true to supply all your needs
Mine may be to spore you on by my writing
You have a place in this
Yours may be to produce a film
Yours may be to preach it

But let each man and woman take up his weapon and use it
And as we do this the ripple effect will paralyze Isis or spices
They stand no chance against us
Again I sound the warning get up and go
God is all powerful and no match for the devils multiples
He may wait for you a while but if you refuse His call
You are of no use to Him and he is not bound to answer any of your selfish bless me prayer
So while His offer stands arise now take up your tools and get up to war

Don’t keep this to yourself please pass it on

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