Slave trade has taken on a new dimension. It comes with all manner of headings. Child labour, human trafficking, organs trade, etc. There is a buoyant market, surprisingly close and in practically every corner of the world.
Young girls are sold or auctioned to brothels. Babies getting snatched from the cradle. Adults are kidnapped, some have their delicate organs carved out while still breathing. From infancy to greys, there's a huge demand for either a part or a whole human.
The human specie cannot go to extinction, but it is endangered. Man is getting preyed upon by his fellow man. This market is patronised by differs calibre of people, based on needs. Several reasons can be given for this malady, but majorly money, sex and power.
Man is the unique creation of God. Made in His likeness, to rule over all other creations. However, God never gave man authority over man. We are seeing such inhumane treatment given to this special being that even animals don't get subjected to.
We can't continue to play the ostrich. Safe internet practice must be taught. Illegal travel agencies must be stopped, approved agencies must be easily accessible. More awareness need to be created.
Endeavor to learn some self defense skills, parents watch over your wards. Most
importantly believe God for safety.
The talk point are inexhaustive, may God keep us safe.
Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge. Psalms 16:1