Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Modernized Slavery

In our world certain injustices are being allowed to thrive. We are seeing man's inhumanity to man in grander forms. This alarming trend needs our collective smart actions, to supress, or wipe out completely.
Slave trade has taken on a new dimension. It comes with all manner of headings. Child labour, human trafficking, organs trade, etc. There is a buoyant market, surprisingly close and in practically every corner of the world.

Young girls are sold or auctioned to brothels. Babies getting snatched from the cradle. Adults are kidnapped, some have their delicate organs carved out while still breathing. From infancy to greys, there's a huge demand for either a part or a whole human.

The human specie cannot go to extinction, but it is endangered. Man is getting preyed upon  by his fellow man. This market is patronised by differs calibre of people, based on needs. Several reasons can be given for this malady, but majorly money, sex and power.

Man is the unique creation of God. Made in His likeness, to rule over all other creations. However, God never gave man authority over man. We are seeing such inhumane treatment given to this special being that even animals don't get subjected to.

We can't continue to play the ostrich. Safe internet practice must be taught. Illegal travel agencies must be stopped, approved agencies must be easily accessible. More awareness need to be created.

Endeavor to learn some self defense skills, parents watch over your wards. Most
importantly believe God for safety.

The talk point are inexhaustive, may God keep us safe.

Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge. Psalms 16:1

Monday, 24 June 2019


Why wait when I can get it now. Instant meal, coffee, instant spouse, instant miracle, instant education. Instant mom or dad, instant breakthrough, instant travel, instant harvest...
Instant, removes the sweat and sweetness of process. Even the instant coffee underwent several procedures. While, instant things satisfies the flesh, life is not programmed to run on instant.

The law of seed time and harvest, exists in almost all we do. A farmer will conceal a seed for a couple of months or years, labour over his expectations and then waits for harvest at the appropriate time.

The culture of wanting to achieve a level of success without exerting labour is a great deception which prompts people to dip hands in all manner of evil.

As long as the earth remains, there will be day and night, cold and summer, etc. Life doesn't operate a lottery system. Research has even proven that wealth gotten through lottery is non-lasting.

Contentment is not a lack of ambition or drive.  It's rather a loving acceptance of one's growth pertime. It removes unhealthy competition, strife and other vice associated with instant.

Truth be told, we all want to get ahead instantly, but that happens only in dreams. In whatever you do, time, hard work and good practice must be key.

God lifts up, He never throws up. Believe Him for growth, not instant blessings. It is more enduring, and comes completely with ease and peace.

Take pride in enjoying the process, it makes your success story more believable.

And though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great. Job 8:7

Friday, 21 June 2019

Hidden Beauty

The Chinese bamboo is a phenomenal tree, it's growth process tells an important story of faith, patience and miracle.
For many years the bamboo grows beneath the earth surface. In the first year of planting, there's no visible sign that a tree was planted.  Notwithstanding, the farmer caters for the land.

In the second year, no visible sign as the land maintains it's vacant look. The third and fourth year tells same story, yet, the farmer continues watering and weeding.

In the fifth year,  the bamboo shoots out from the soil. The next six weeks, sees it grow to an amazing height of eighty feet. The dormancy of four years, ends with the miracle of exponential growth.

Like a bamboo, you may not have answers to years of seemingly fruitless labour. There's absolutely nothing to boast of in marriage, career etc. It seems a waste to follow God's direction in life.

Will you stop hoping in His promises? Will you keeping waiting? If the farmer had listened to those who didn't understand the process of the bamboo. He would have aborted his miracle. A wait on God never ends in vain.

You may need to hold on for another day, but no matter how difficult, please stay steadfast. If it seems God is coming too late it means He's coming in a big way. Your day of joy will be a delight, if you wait patiently.

Don't give up just yet, stay unshaking in faith, continue in prayers and never cease to be thankful. It will be a wow, a wonder,  an amazement. Your hidden miracles approaches.

Psalms 119:116
Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Shake Off

An incident that happened to apostle Paul best illustrate why you shouldn't accept the devils dirts.

He was enroute to Jerusalem by boat, unfortunately they suffered a wreck. Luckily, no life was lost,  but other valuables perished at sea.
The group of survivors swam to a nearby island. The villagers were compassionate and welcomed them heartily. Having settled down, Paul gathered sticks and lit a fire so they could keep warm.

From the fire, a venomous snake jumped and bit at the arm of Paul. This one surely deserves to die the villagers thought. But he shook it back into the flames and continued as though nothing happened.

This the villagers found intriguing. They expected him to die from the poison. He must be a god they said to themselves. Curiously they gathered around to know more about this superhuman.

Here comes an opportunity to talk about Jesus. The entire village was saved by his testimony and the miracle they withnessed first hand.

Shake off immediately any dirt which you don't want. If Paul had died as a result of the bite, the villagers would have thought he deserved the horrible fate.

Give no room to the enemy.
Whatever you don't want, you must not watch. Don't allow the enemy rejoice over you.
Shake off, don't take in.

But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects.
Acts 28:5

Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith,
1 Peter 5:8,9

Monday, 17 June 2019

Judas Culture

How well do you know people? How friendly are your friends? Judas started out as a student of Jesus, He wanted to know more about the come Messiah.
He earned a reputation of being trustworthy. He became the group's treasurer. At some point he began despising Jesus teachings. He abused the privilege of service by stealing.

Not once did he feel remorse, money is good. The enemies of Jesus must have noticed his dual life, so it was easy to entice him. He would be handsomely paid if he agrees to betray his Master.

After spending three-and-a-half years with Christ, he ended disgracefully. Satan had used and dumped him. A bright light snuffed out just when his next level approaches. He missed an eternal memorial.

The motives of some close associates are similar. At first they may be genuine, you could have grown to love and trust them. Hate, jealousy, envy... can be their motivation. They don't mind your destruction.

The Judas culture is more rampant now. Some friends want your beautiful life. It will take the Holy Spirit to discern them. Remember, they started out as genuine comrades.

Friends are important in life, true friends are a great worth. They are not so hard to find, but they can be easily lost. If you've got great friends, treasure them, they are a rarity.

A lot have fallen prey to enemy friends. However, don't be afraid God indeed delivers. No evil will befall you, their evil plan will not succeed. If you are of God, you are an overcomer.
1 John 5:4

Sunday, 16 June 2019

New Day

Another day begins, this unending circle means different things to people. For some they can't wait to get out of bed, others may want some extra moments behind the sheets.
But as dawn settles, the ticking clock waits for no one.
As the day begins to unfold, I pray Lord to order my steps. I ask for guidance. Keep evil away from my household, let your favour envelope me. Wisdom to deal with issues of the day grant me. Send me help as I may need today.

It's purely wise to commit ones day to God. What's inherent in a day is known fully to Him. As there's good so also evil lurks. No matter the pitfalls in the day,  we will not be entrapped. This day will be memorable, it will end in untold joys.

Another wise action is speaking positively into your day. Declare your expectations. Personally, each time I pronounce blessings on myself I paint a mind picture of where I want to be. I see myself becoming those things as I also work to achieving it.

Laughing and smiling are beauty secrets that costs nothing, please indulge in it today. You may be saddled with a load of cares, but worrying will block light access. So replace each worrisome thought with a positive news outcome.

Whatever you have planned today, share love stop hate, shun violence. Whatever seed you don't want to harvest, don't sow. Do unto others as you will want done to you. This day is God's gift, be a blessing and be blessed.

This world can be better and safer if we all decide to live right each day

Friday, 14 June 2019


What is in a name? There are notable names world over. Powerful names that can open some doors. Yes there are names, but they are all dwarfed beside the name above other names. Jesus.
In all realms, His name carries tremendous power. In time, all other names fades, reduces in influence, boundary, power or authority. From ages past, and decades to come His name stands taller.

Do you know how much enemies have tried to destroy this name. They tried eradicating the memory of his existence. Still is name is unchanged. Let them increase their tempo, as this name will outlive oppositions.

Thanks be to God for giving us this tremendous authority. However, you must grow in your understanding of His name to enjoy its benefits. You shortchange yourself if otherwise. 

Philippians 2:9-10
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth.

How did he come about his name? Why is his name powerful? How can I use his name to my advantage? Why do devils cringe before his name? This are some discoveries you have to make yourself. Don't be ignorant.

Acts 4:12
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

It all starts with a relationship, you can pray thus...

Jesus, I ask that you come into my life. Let me know you, reveal the power in your name to me. As I call your name, silence all the threats of Satan in my life. Accept me as your own and help me grow in your love. Amen

Jesus is the name above all other, its been given freely, use with understanding to derive optimum benefits.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

I know His love

Always resist, never accept unpleasantness. No matter how it choose to appear, reject it. I have come to realise that a lot of times, we settle for less, because we don't understand God's love.
God's plan, thoughts and deeds to us is motivated by His overwhelming and indescribable love. The truest definitions of love can't describe God's love to his own.

Majority of parents don't want any evil to befall their children, and though we see some exceptions these days, God declared that even when natural parents fail, His love for us is better and unfailing.

Though this love is available to all, it must be recognised and accepted. The truest of love also gets tested. This is when we go through some harsh weather.

We live in a world of choices, don't blame God when your suffering is as a result of your bad choosing. We have diseases, famine and wars in our world today because we refuse God's way.

That is why even in our down times, we must turn to God for help. His directions at this time may seem unpopular but must be obeyed. Love sometimes can be difficult.

 No matter what comes your way, know for a fact that you are loved. Don't join the "why me" gang. Seek out God's way out. Don't further complicate issues by biting the devil's bait.

God love me, this I know.
God love me, that's what matters.

John 15:9
As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Shame; Not Allowed

Shame is the opposite of glory. 
It is what the devil tries to put on believers. 
It aims to discredit God's goodness. 
You must disallow it.

God sewed clothes for Adam and Eve even in their banishment. 
He will not allow them to be further ridiculed. 
A believer is an heir of God, 
how can royalty walk with head bowed.

The owner of shame is Satan, don't share is curse. 
Anything that doesn't depict glory is shame. 
Tear that garment off your body, be adorned as a kings kid. 
Your heritage is glory.

Nakedness is shameful, so is wearing rags. 
Only those without their senses appear in such. 
It makes spiritual sense to do self scrutiny. 
Where are you sensing shame?

Arise with the weapons of God's word and prayers. 
Resist the devil swiftly and he will flee.  
Reject any intending shame in your life.
Your portion is glory

For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall i not be confounded
therefor i have set my face as a flint, and i know that i shall not be ashamed
Isaiah 50 :7

"Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. 
Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. 
You will forget the shame of your youth and remember 
no more the reproach of your widowhood.
Isaiah 54:4


Monday, 10 June 2019

I'm Grateful

Gratitude is a secret weapon that though well known, very few uses. Being grateful is an attitude of the extremely wise. It strengthens relationships and keep doors of favour open for long.
It doesn't matter how big or small the favour, gratitude is a nice feedback to the giver. It says,  the favour or gift is appreciated.  Not to show gratitude is equated to a thief carting away personal goods.

In a spousal relationship, saying thank you will go a long way in strengthening the bond. Don't take everything as a right. Appreciate the thought and not necessarily the worth of a gift.

Our Maker also deserves our gratitude. He must receive thanks daily. We may have a long list of unmet expectations, but if you have breath in your nostrils you have a  reason for thanksgiving.

One the difference between Saul and David is their show of gratitude. In the Bible, you will find various accounts of David giving thanks to God. For Saul, is tank of thanks was running on red.

Genuine givers of thanks, are always a favourite with God. There are so many things we daily receive that we take for granted. So many ways in which God shows up for us. We may never know the extent of God's help, that's why we must give Him thanks, daily.

Psalms 105:1
O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Work Well

Players!, take position. If you are the goalie stay in your post. Whatever role your coach assigns, give it your best.  You need not envy, strife or be jealous of another.
Not everyone will be the striker, there must be midfielders and defenders. So I may not be the popular scorer, but if I'm a part of the team I must work for the good of all.

We have got different parts, If we work together we succeed together. When you envy another, you probably don't understand your purpose or have not discovered your importance.

God has deposited something special in you, for your world. It is not less important, but may be less popular. You must become your best self, our diverse roles in life makes living meaningful.

In the body, the parts less visible are more important. What is the worth of a long leg,  if the heart is not strong enough. You better get your heart fixed, if you want your long legs to serve you.

If you are a Christian, play your part in winning the lost for Christ. At work, serve well.  Find joy in your position and be the best. Don't look down on anyone, we are all needed differently.

Do not be an old model, keep improving on yourself. No matter where you are at present, there's still a level up. As you grow, you attract more, you attain better, you become more relevant.

Proverbs 22:29
Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.

Saturday, 8 June 2019


I have enjoyed God's favour. I have been helped.  I have received God's love,  its real and unconditional. I have looked at my life, it's been one of grace, great grace.
I have been loved, I'm still been loved.  I wonder what I am. I can't say it enough, God's been good to me. This depicts the story of Jacob, son of Isaac, grandson of Abraham.

Born a twin, his brother Esau was cued to inherit the blessed ancestry. Cunningly he got his bro to sell out. Or who offers a brother food and demands a birthright.

A deceiver just as his name Jacob. No wonder his dad had little love for him. But before we were introduced to him. God had chosen him right inside his mother's womb.

His bad behavior sent him out of his father's house. While on the run he had an encounter with the God of his forebears. The God that will later choose to be named with a fugitive.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. A name that will resonate forever. This is one unfit candidate for Gods eternal link. It's been said, God chooses the unqualified and qualifies the chosen.

His story just like mine, reveals the extent of God's love. I have tried to look for what Jacob did that qualified him for such love. I'm still searching but so far I find nothing but grace, great grace.

Those that cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs. This words of Jonah is one of my favorite verse of scripture.  Iam a product of grace,  and I don't have enough words to convey my gratitude.

This grace can be for just anyone who will turn back from wickedness to follow Jesus. In Christ is the greatest of graces. Make Jesus Lord and see how His grace will make you a winner.

Lord Jesus, I confess you as my Lord. Forgive me my sins and make me yours. Please reveal yourself to me and help me to enjoy your grace henceforth. Amen

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Wrong Play

I read recently the sad story of a father who lost his fifteen year old daughter. The cause of death was HIV, which she encountered via rape at age two by a close relative.
This sad tale adds to the list of our short comings as a people. It also bring alive the fact that though HIV is real, many are not taking cognisance.

Sex had been in existence from the time of Adam. It is for pleasure in marriage and procreation. Over the years several abuses have been launched at this beautiful expression. Today what we have is sex happening at all age grades.

In the course of my work,  I have been privileged to interact with people living with the HIV virus.  A vast majority of those I met were youths and women. Men hardly come out to be identified.

On our TV years back, were awareness programs on HIV/AIDS. Nowadays there's hardly any.  Do not take its absence on the screen to mean it no longer exists. HIV/AIDS is real, and stories such as the dead teen will serve as a reminder.

Whatever your sexual orientation, please be safety conscious.  A person carrying the virus may not know for several years. It doesn't show on the face,  it's not written on the forehead.
A minor persistent illness is what led to several people discovering their status.

Though HIV is no more a death sentence as was the case years back. It takes expert care and a regime of drugs to stay alive. However, if humans were to follow the ways of God, we won't be combating issues such as this.

It is important to know your HIV status especially if you practice unsafe sex.  Early detection is best in such cases. Sharing sharp objects must be disallowed.
Be safe for your loved ones.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019


In a world of falling standards, where anything goes.  It is easy to be tagged "odd", the fact that you are not joining in the wrong, labels you as absurd.
The world is seeing the wrong as right.  Mass majority justify immorality as the norm.  Fraudsters seem to be feasting fat,  while the legit are seen as fools.

This trend can be quite confusing, and some are conforming. "if you can't beat them,..., Others may,  why can't I, etc. 
However, the Lord warns sternly...

 "Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you." 2 Corinthians 6:17

World standards may fall, evil may take the major vote,  but bear in mind the word of the Lord

Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness."2Timothy:2:19

No matter how the world tries to paint bad good.  God's standard is not changing for anyone. He will never justify wrong

The Lords' side is always the winning side. Don't miss your glory because of the passing pleasure of sin.

Be among the Lords remnant, who refuses to conform to world standards.  Stay true and real to the end .

There's a reward now and in eternity.
May the grace of the Lord keep us till the end

Sunday, 2 June 2019

With Proofs

Where are your proofs of being a Christian?
What signs do you Command?
How many people are you influencing for Christ?
When last did you pray for the salvation of others?
Christianity is a religion of signs and wonders.
The least in the kingdom of God is greater than the patriarchs of old.
What proofs are you producing?
You are to be envied by those who do not know Jesus Christ

It's a pitiable fact that many children of God are living as rats.  Trampled and shoved around by demons, ravaged by poverty and sickness, living as though they have no royal ancestry.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

If you are not reflecting the above scripture, there's something wrong somewhere.
Perhaps you need to check your connection to God. Perhaps you need to live a holy life
Perhaps you should stop being a lukewarm, ignorant Christian Revelation 3:16

Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods

...Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, 'I am God's Son'?
Do not believe me unless I do what my Father does.
But if I do it, even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father
John 10:34-37

Don't just be a Christian on paper. Be one in deed. Make true your divine ancestry.  Don't be ignorant

Open my eyes OH Lord, help me to know your truth and reflect your ways.

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...