Monday 17 June 2019

Judas Culture

How well do you know people? How friendly are your friends? Judas started out as a student of Jesus, He wanted to know more about the come Messiah.
He earned a reputation of being trustworthy. He became the group's treasurer. At some point he began despising Jesus teachings. He abused the privilege of service by stealing.

Not once did he feel remorse, money is good. The enemies of Jesus must have noticed his dual life, so it was easy to entice him. He would be handsomely paid if he agrees to betray his Master.

After spending three-and-a-half years with Christ, he ended disgracefully. Satan had used and dumped him. A bright light snuffed out just when his next level approaches. He missed an eternal memorial.

The motives of some close associates are similar. At first they may be genuine, you could have grown to love and trust them. Hate, jealousy, envy... can be their motivation. They don't mind your destruction.

The Judas culture is more rampant now. Some friends want your beautiful life. It will take the Holy Spirit to discern them. Remember, they started out as genuine comrades.

Friends are important in life, true friends are a great worth. They are not so hard to find, but they can be easily lost. If you've got great friends, treasure them, they are a rarity.

A lot have fallen prey to enemy friends. However, don't be afraid God indeed delivers. No evil will befall you, their evil plan will not succeed. If you are of God, you are an overcomer.
1 John 5:4

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