Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Shake Off

An incident that happened to apostle Paul best illustrate why you shouldn't accept the devils dirts.

He was enroute to Jerusalem by boat, unfortunately they suffered a wreck. Luckily, no life was lost,  but other valuables perished at sea.
The group of survivors swam to a nearby island. The villagers were compassionate and welcomed them heartily. Having settled down, Paul gathered sticks and lit a fire so they could keep warm.

From the fire, a venomous snake jumped and bit at the arm of Paul. This one surely deserves to die the villagers thought. But he shook it back into the flames and continued as though nothing happened.

This the villagers found intriguing. They expected him to die from the poison. He must be a god they said to themselves. Curiously they gathered around to know more about this superhuman.

Here comes an opportunity to talk about Jesus. The entire village was saved by his testimony and the miracle they withnessed first hand.

Shake off immediately any dirt which you don't want. If Paul had died as a result of the bite, the villagers would have thought he deserved the horrible fate.

Give no room to the enemy.
Whatever you don't want, you must not watch. Don't allow the enemy rejoice over you.
Shake off, don't take in.

But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects.
Acts 28:5

Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith,
1 Peter 5:8,9

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