Sunday, 1 December 2024

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency
Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen
Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister
Moses the stammered; was enough to confront the king
Is anyone perfect; Is any worthy?
Our sufficiency is in our Lord
He is the one that completes us
And helps us to access glory
You have what it takes for your new level
That great height is for you
You don’t belong in the ordinary
Let no one say you are inadequate

A child of God is not disadvantaged
Even in down times there's great hope
Keep renewing your mind in Gods truth
Keep reaffirming His word to yourself
If it is a child you seek; you are enough
You and your spouse have what it takes…
The womb is adequate for the baby
The mans seed is enough
Mary had no man yet she had a baby
Discard all contrary opinions
It’s time to keep your gaze on your Creator
After all; we say He can do all things
Discouragement will limit you
Win the battle over your mind
I have set my face as a flint; no shame
It will be to you as you believe and confess 

I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses inner strength into me. I an self sufficient in Christs sufficiency. Phil 4:13 Say it out Loudly i am enough    ...tejuwrite...

Thursday, 21 November 2024


Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
It shall be in my company all day
I will have my fill of it daily
God’s presence guarantees goodness
What company do you keep?
The type of friends you roll with…
Aptly describes who you truly are
It’s time to get closer to your Maker
Life is loaded with enough woes
You may see them smiling
But they are secretly hurting
Beyond the façade we try to exhibit
We need an assurance of wellness all time
There must be no buts that causes pain
We must have it good always
This is available in Christ alone
Yes several tribulations in our world
Several issues to spread a cloud of gloom
But real cheers is in Gods comforting words
I will not leave you or forsake you…
This makes life easier to navigate
This relationship ensures all round good
So in the face of tragic experience
You can find succor under His shadow
There’s rest for the weary soul
Why go about with so many loads
Drop off your burdens on Jesus
Come over to the true love companion 

Friday, 18 October 2024

Still Going

Several parts consist a being
Several seasons makes a lifetime
At these different times varying things occurs
All lining to paint a preplanned piece
God our creator has a picture He wants to achieve
Our several experiences is painting on a canvas
These experiences will be sweet or sour
They all combine to tell a perfect story
A tale of triumph from adversity
A tale of victory from defeat
A tale of success from failure
A tale of beauty from ashes
There was a beginning in the life of Job
A lovely home; a thriving business
Recognition in his town and everywhere
He was a true picture of Gods goodness
Suddenly he entered a season of adversity
A complete opposite of his previous lifestyle
Homeless, sick, bereaved, jobless, despised…
Yet his life’s tale his yet being told
This interlude of sorrow won’t end his life
This unpleasant season is a necessary addition
It was a bitter time; but not his end
A test of the Master Painter
He turned his downward life upward
Those who thought his painting is spoilt
Only jumped to a quick conclusion
It was a brief stop; not the final design
Soon the canvas adds a new ink 
A better season emerged
A time when all lost was restored
A time far better than his previous

So the Lord blessed Job in the second half of his life
Even more than in his beginning… Job 42:12

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

No To Poverty

How do you tell a child there’s no food?
Hope you know the child won’t understand
The child would also not stop crying
Asking you for what to feel its stomach
Poverty is a curse that Jesus crushed
Let it not surface in your life
Scripture tells us of a mother who told her son
This sticks we gather is to prepare a last meal...
After we eat this; we die...
Except the food is poisoned that’s not happening
Thankfully God intervened through the prophet
Because no child is buying that story
Poverty must be fought with understanding
With hard work and prayers
Lack takes your sense of reasoning away
Its why the devil wants to impoverish people
It’s also the reason people do unimaginable things
Just to have their needs met
It seems their conscience is muted
Simple logic is far from them
Poverty must have no place around you
It will make rubbish your integrity in no time
Make a decision not to seek an alternative
Regardless of your present status, choose to live right
I don’t know any ten keys out of poverty
I suggest you find a legit work to do
Plan your life based on your income
Have a family you can conveniently cater for
I asked a menial job artisan how many children he has
He answered ten; I'm still shocked by his response...
Gods blessing will reside in our homes
Even in famine we wont lack; I pray in Jesus name

He lifts the poor from the dirt and the needy from the garbage dump. Ps113:7  ...tejuwrite...

Monday, 30 September 2024

Praise Still...

Let everyone that has breath...
It’s not let everyone that has music…
While sound can enhance our praise
Our worship must be in recognition of who God is
Paul and Silas had no coordinated sound 
They praised and worshiped regardless
They were thrown in a smelly dungeon
They were bound in chains…
Locked up for the gospel sake…
They could take up a lament…
Blame God for not defending them…
Rather; they sang songs of praise
If it’s bad blame God; if its good thank Him
We forget God is good by nature
He can’t help being good; He can’t repay good with evil
He can’t hurt the world and people He created
Praise draws Him closer
Paul and Silas knew that’s the wise thing to do
They need Him in their lowest season
They can’t afford despair
Let me be where His presence is
We need this understanding always
When things are not as planned…
Let that spur us to draw closer
Soon He will storm the dungeon breaking chains
He did it for Paul and Silas; He will same for all
Let Him be your constant refuge
In all season let His praise be in your heart 

Psalm 34:1… I will praise the LORD at all times. I will constantly speak His praises. I will boast only in the Lord; Let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lords greatness; let us exalt His name together     …tejuwrite…

Thursday, 26 September 2024


She is one woman you can call an ingrate
She failed in showing loyalty to her master
She despised the one she was to help
She scoffed Sarah; she mocked her son Isaac
Eventually she was sent off with Ishmael her son
Their food and water finished and they lacked
They could have died of starvation
But God's goodness reached out to them in the desert...
He is a man who lived in the worst places
He described himself as a dog
The goodness of God sought Mephibosheth out
He will seat on King David’s table as a prince…
She is a woman who has lost her spouse
Now she is going to bury her only child
She met the one who goes about doing good
The widow of Nain returned home with her son in joy…
God is good; all the time He is
He passed before Moses declaring His name Goodness
He makes us partakers of His abundant goodness daily
How blest we are to be so loved

I am yet to see the one that is truly righteous...
I am yet to meet the truly good person...
I am yet to see the one without a flaw...
I am yet to encounter a perfect being...
God choose to be good to the worst of us
If He were to name iniquitous who will be excluded
He choose to forget and forgive our wrong
He has been specially good to me

It's no licence to sin; there's consequence for wickedness
It is simply celebrating His goodness
Ps.31:19 Your goodness is so great! You have stored up great blessings for those who honor you,,, ...tejuwrite...

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

My Economy

I need not flaunt my wealth
That may not be a wise approach
The present economy seem harsh
However; God has remained good to me
As price of commodities rise
Somehow it has remained affordable
I have not cut back on necessities
I find myself able to feast fat
The prices seem to tinge the ear
It seems more is required for less
Somehow I find life is easier
He seem to keep making more ways
Darkness in Egypt; yet light in Goshen
Rainfall in one place; drought in another
Some are toiling for meager resources
Some are reeling in abundance
God’s word must be the standard always
He is the truth; He is my forte
He is behind my economy
Because of Him; it has remained well
The one that sits on High laughs
I will not be one to cry, lament or sorrow
What He does, I do; what He sees, I must see
What He says, I must say; How He acts I must also
His economy must reflect in my economy
I must never struggle to live well
Basic amenities remain easy to access
What He says of me is true always
God is sorting His people
It's not about the largest bank balance
Its in contentment and peace
Its in gratitude and safety

Psalm 34:10 young lions lack and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord will lack no good thing ...tejuwrite...

Like it or not

All tongues will confess…
They acknowledge the name Jesus
All knees will bow…
They bow in reference to Jesus
Devil and goons cannot do otherwise
Their submission is a reflex act
They don’t have to like it
Want to or not; they comply
The Lord said; let the earth bring forth plants
The earth promptly obeyed
For what the Lord says; He must see
What He wants must happen
God our creator wants us to live in dominion
Rule and reign wherever He sends you to
Excel in the task He sets before you
Triumph irrespective of the odds against you
I do not see light begging darkness...
Saying... please allow me to shine
When light appears; the dark becomes extinct
It has no iota of respect for the dark
You must possess an overcomer mentality
A superior mind is needed to unseat deceivers
Your head must be held high always
Never cower; your Maker doesn’t
Displace the things you abhor in your life
God sent Lucifer out of His Heaven
Don’t dwell with things seeking to unseat you
You will reign; if you know who you are

Thursday, 19 September 2024


What seem to be the problem with us humans
We tend to live our lives tagging others along
Jacob was truly His mother’s child
The grandchild of Abraham the friend of God
His parents were carefully guarded in life
Abraham named is son Isaac; laughter not delay
He arranged for him to get a good wife
He seem to try to lay soft landing for him
Isaac and Rebekah were not the best parents
Pitching their two sons against one another
Rivalry often experienced in polygamous homes
Was the atmosphere they created for Esau and Jacob
How many souls have been scarred by parental actions?
The children’s teeth is already edgy
Because the parents ate sour grapes
This have been the norm from the time of Adam
What do we want to transmit to the coming generation?
We must put deliberateness in our actions
Don’t plant the seed; you won’t consume the fruit alone
Live your life with your generation in view
God we are told His generational
When introducing Himself to Moses
He says this… I show love to many thousands and forgiving every kind of sin and rebellion; But I punish the children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generation
As I pray and interact with people
In most cases their issues is a spill out from their heritage
Fantastic believers yet thrown into misery
By things they nothing about…   it continues 

Israel; The Prince

If the foundation is destroyed
A believer can seek for changes
Jacob whose name means cheat…
Sought Gods blessing which he received
The power of identity and prayer
It changed things for him
With parents as Isaac and Rebekah
One will expect better...

His wife Rachel would make similar error
She named her child Ben-oni child of my sorrow
Thankfully Jacob knew enough than to allow this
He swiftly changed it to Benjamin; son of my right hand

How many have been scarred
Many suffer from errors of their forbears
Putting an unnecessary yoke on a child
If there's any to blame; dump it on Adam

Our actions today is an harvest for coming generation
We can transfer blessing or curse to our lineage
Disobedience greed, sin can bring untold hardship
If only I can turn back time…

Back date to the time of Adam and Eve
But you can make better choice today
Chart a better Patriarchal order for your ancestry 
Let them be thankful you came ahead

Whatever choice they made, we must choose better
We cant keep blaming them, we must move to better
We must take ownership of our own life 
It is ours after all and we can turn it around

Jacob is Israel, He fought and warred in prayer
He stands as a Prince today; a global beacon 
Telling us we can chart a better course
If he did it; we can also

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Jacob . His Problem Was His Name

The circumstance of a birth
Must not be blamed on the new born
He held to his brother’s heel
So he was named Jacob the cheat
He lived true to his name
Always looking for an opportunity to outsmart
If your brother comes in hungry… feed him
Don’t ask for his birthright in return
With a conniving mother he got the fathers blessing
But that seemed to mark the beginning of his woes
Firstly he fled from home in fear of death
And was introduced to senior cheater Laban
He was cheated in love and introduced to Polygamy
He had his wage reviewed downward ten times
He had children who we can call very dangerous
The so called fathers blessing was not evidenced
After a life with Laban; He will return home
He will face Esau whom he ran away from
Esau had moved on and was reeking of blessing
On the other hand he was deathly scared
So he arranged his small troupe in case he needs to run
Then he decided to do a smart thing
He had a fight night with God
His prayer; bless me or I won’t let you go
God will unearth the genesis of his travails
What is your name he asked; Jacob he responded?
You will now be called Israel; a prince
His true destiny revealed… it continues

Friday, 13 September 2024


He beckoned to a bird of prey
A bird fond of eating meat
Go give my servant food
The meal is bread and meat
He beckoned to a fish
I’m throwing a man down
You are to swallow only
Further instructions will come later
He beckoned to Satan
Have you seen my servant Job?
You can do as you please with him
However; his life is not yours to take
The bird couldn’t ignore or disobey His orders
Promptly it went to do its Lord bidding
Such a strange way to provide meal
A Sovereign; Powerful; The Highest
The fish could not digest its meal 
How inconvenienced for it in the ocean
But Jonah must be kept in safety
Till the fish was commanded to vomit him
Satan knows his bounds when it comes to God
He had better obeyed Him otherwise…
Job was dealt hard blows
But God turned it around for good
The aid you need will come forth
In the fire you won’t be consumed
In the water you will not drown
In all situations God will show up for you
Because he loves me says the Lord, I will rescue him, I will protect him for he acknowledges my name Psalm 91:14      …tejuwrite…

I Have a Job

I have a job for you says God to a bird
You will deliver bread and meat to a man
This you will do twice daily
Aye Captain was the response
So Elijah was fed; and by a bird…
I try to wrap my mind on this marvel
God will choose a meat eating carnivore…
Clearly a showcase of His Sovereignty and Might
I have a job for you He tells a fish
I am sending you a large man to swallow
But you will not turn him to food
So Jonah was kept in a fish belly
I have a job for you He told Satan
Attack my servant Job as much as you can
But his life is mine not yours to take
Yes Sire was the response
I have a job for you, I want your praise
If you don’t, I will command the stones instead
No stone will replace me before God
So daily we must convey worth to Him in praise
I have a job for you; I want you talk about me
Use the genius I give to exhort people
This charge is to all is children
We must continue to put Gods word out there
I have a job for you; mine will differ from yours
Each one gets a least a talent
We must utilize and see to its increase
Don’t bury God’s gift, lets live to please Him
From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that I will bring about;  what I have planned, that I will do. Isaiah 46:11   …tejuwrite…

Thursday, 12 September 2024

For a Start

A start must have a stop
A beginning must have an end
A project began must be concluded
A job held will finish someday
God sees an end from a beginning
So He can easily tell us what to expect
The promises He makes are based on this
So He will call Abram a Father of Nations
This promise may seem lofty for him
A childless couple tagged parents of many
He has proven His word is Legit
What He sees of our end is glory
So do not disbelieve His word
Hold it dearly and treasure it so
Whatever He sees and reveals to you
Believe and behave as though it were
At the start of any endeavor
Try to picture an ending for it
Allow yourself bask in possible thoughts
Dream of accomplishing your goals
Like God speak of your end from your start
See yourself as a mother; or employed if you want a job
Let this picture flood your mind and thought
Speak your expectation and rely on God for fulfilment

I declare the end form the beginning... Isiah 46:10   ...tejuwrite...

Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Gift of Men

For 38 years no helper came his way
So miracle eluded him that long
As Jesus came to the pool of Bethsaida
The immobile man was quick to say; I have no help
Relationships play a key role in what happens to us
Where you are presently is as a result of men
Where you will get to in future...
Men will make happen
It is not good for a man to be alone
The Lord makes clear we will need people
This help will be realized via our human contacts
Pay keen attention on the people in your life
You can't advance beyond the radius of this people
When a life lacks appropriate helps
It re-echo the story of the 38 years stationed man
Who watched others getting well
We have to give thought to our life
Where you aim to get is not too far
It’s conditioned to the connections in men
There’s nothing like self-made; we need people
You will either make gradual progress
Or advance geometrically
No one enjoying prominence got up my chance
There was an input of man
God made help available for lonely Adam
Beseech Him also for your own
Let Him bless you with the assistance you require
Struggling through life must cease
Sir, the invalid replied, I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred… John 5:7

Monday, 2 September 2024


It’s a great month; a time of gratitude
The Lord has faithfully kept us
Grateful for the air I breathe
God’s love and goodness not slacking
Countless miracles daily gifted
To be among the living I thank you Lord
He raises, He increases, He promotes
Every day I get to see I rejoice
I have experienced the Lords compassion
I have enjoyed His fellowship
I have relished His favors
I have been shown His kindness
His blessings are immeasurable
Who can truly quantify His Helps?
Tender loving caring Father
Even in days when the sun refused to shine…
Hoping in His word has been the anchor
He alone safely guides to safe harbors
I have been steered to safety all times
What should pull me down; He made my lift…
Many tears He converted to laughter
Shame He constantly made my stranger
I have thrived just because He’s my Lord
Here’s my thanks; my gratitude
I’m grateful for Life, Health, Provision, and Family
I’m grateful for Peace, Endeavors, and Victory
I’m grateful for opportunities, open doors, sound mind
I’m grateful for salvation, possibilities, and wealth  

Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Do not Miss…

I don’t know how long they prayed
Seeking God to intervene on their behalf
In the over 400 years they suffered
But God came through at some point
The message to Elisha was clear
He wanted the double portion of Elijah’s anointing
If you see me if I’m being carried away
Who dares open his eyes in a whirlwind?
We don’t know how long they have been building
But at some point God decided to pay the site a visit
The tower of Babel must not progress was the verdict
The moment He acted, it was so
The Lord has come, do not miss Him
You may have prayed for a while
This is the time to receive answers
However, give Him raft attention
Do not allow distractions
To see Him in a whirlwind requires focus
You will have what you seek just as Elisha
You will get your answers but stay in faith
Seek to be in His presence
Engage more in worship
This is the time to pray
His visit is worth all the sacrifice
Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come Matthew 24:42

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Not the End

He chose what he thought was easy…
He believed tomorrow won’t be alright…
Ending the life you didn’t create
How many have this view of life
I met a young man recently
I was on an evangelism mission
Our meeting was a divine coincidence
As he said i just interrupted his suicide route
Today may be truly bad
But do you know what tomorrow offers?
Where is the never say never human spirit
Why do you believe there’s no way out?
If there’s breathe, there is hope
The situation that brought you sorrow
Can change for the better
If you end it, you won’t see the miracle unfold
As I engaged the young man in conversation
I allowed him speak of his many woes
I simply reminded him of a Heavenly Father
I informed him to not forget that he’s good
I told him of God's goodness to me
How I was in a similar situation as he
Today the story is way better
The many sadness has turned to joy
I have not reached my destination; I said
But I chose to believe God's promises
I work it out in prayers, word, fellowship with saints etc
But I can never let go of the Fathers hand

I asked him to pray about his many issues
I then joined him in prayers of agreement
If your problem is bigger than you then hand it to Jesus
Trust Him to sort you as He promised... He never fails

Come unto me all you are burdened and heavy laden, and i will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 ...tejuwrite...

Let it not be said

Haman almost said of Mordecai; I hanged him on a gallows
Daniel enemies almost said, I fed him to lions
Jezebel can boost; I sent Elijah out of town
Delilah can say I got Samson the strongest man
John the Baptist died at a playful wish
Herod will boast about these…
I beheaded John, Herod said… Luke 9:9
Seems like a rant of an un-repented man
I made them barren...
I succeeded in ending their marriage...
I made the business redundant...
I stopped their proposed building...
Whatever the devil intends to boast about…
The Lord will shut his mouth
It will be replaced with continued victory
Gods will done at all times
You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt
If it has lost its flavor? Can it be made useful again?
It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless
Mathew 5:13
We are admonished to not lose our identity
The value of salt is in its taste
Otherwise it’s not useful or worth storing 
We can't afford to lose sight of who we are
A child of God
Prevailing over Jezebel or Delilah
Above only and not beneath
Ensuring Gods will happens in our lives

Let's get our faith active in these days
And keep praying that God see us through
Get back to studying the word daily
We are born of God; we must keep winning 

Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be dismayed. Therefore I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know I will triumph. Isaiah 50:7      ...tejuwrite...

Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Haman Teaches...

We can pick a lesson or two from Haman
The man who hated the Jews for no just reason
When He found out Mordecais nationality
He could have eliminated just him
Haman; with his level of influence and evilness...
Could get rid of a man who didn’t bow to greet him
However, he would seek to deal with his entire clan
All Jews young or old; must face his wrath
His plan is...; Destroy all Jews
Uproot the entire race and be done with them all
When Elisha was informed about the town’s peculiarity
Well situated but the water is bitter...
He went to the source of the problem
He recognized that once this is done
The rest will follow naturally
This approach works every time

Don’t do things on the surface
Lasting change happen when the root cause is identified
Further tests will reveal the cause of a constant headache
With this knowledge you will go for advance treatment

Eradicate the problem from the root…
Or you keep dealing with its offshoot severally
This was Haman grand plan to stop all Jews
This was how Elisha changed a town’s fortune

This is a better way to stop wicked advances
And for these you will need to grow stronger muscles
You will need to mature spiritually
You will not have this benefit if you remain a babe

He decided it was not enough to lay hands on Mordecai alone..; he decided to destroy all Jews throughout the empire... Esther 3:6         ..tejuwrite...

Sunday, 21 July 2024

Thankful for Ashes

There are several levels of destruction
For instance if fire burns down a building
It may not be a complete ruin
But when it’s said it burned to ashes…
This means there was nothing to salvage
It’s a total ruin; irredeemable loss
However our Lord says…I give beauty for ashes
With Him my loss is a set up for a win
We may experience series of setbacks...
There may be questions as to why what happened;
We may wonder why the mishap in the first place;
But I will wear a garment of redemption
My story is still being written...
Though painful; it’s a part of my journey
Soon I will turn a new page
My beauty days are here in Jesus name
We therefore must release our ashes
You can’t hold on to the loss
You can’t stay in the place of pain
You must let go; look forward to beauty
Whatever the devil used to make you weep…
The Lord will replace with even more joy
You will yet see His redeeming love
But you must leave the place of mourning
Through your tears you must see His light
You must hear Him in the midst of the storm
You must name your beauty and wait with expectation
You must believe His word; Beauty replaces my ashes
To all who mourn in Israel, he will give beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning, praise instead of despair... Isi 61:3        …tejuwrite…

Thursday, 18 July 2024


God often declares the end from the start
When He spoke of Israel plundering Egypt
He mentioned the purpose of the wealth
It was to be for them and their children
After many years slaving for nothing
A big pay day comes…
I believe they looked forward to this time…
And as promised; wealth was transferred
But like many who abuse opportunities
The moment Moses was away seeking God
The newly rescued people craved for toys
Anything to replace the Sovereign deliverer
So they demanded of Aaron, make them a god
For this he will need their gold
Foolishly they dumped their wealth into fire
And from there emerged an ugly calf
The party spirit had been rekindled
Soon they were merry and relishing
They had been denied this much fun
Moses was all about prayer and commandments
They only asked and Egyptians released wealth
Perhaps because it was gotten almost without stress
They didn’t understand or valued what they got
Keep God's will in view; or you forget
Everywoman is to ask her neighbor for articles of silver and gold and for clothing, which you will put on your sons and daughters Ex 3:22   …tejuwrite…

Saturday, 29 June 2024

Great Day

The moonshines brightly
It lights the sky just as the sun
Its brilliance is amazing
What a lovely of sights
Beholding Gods creation makes one ponder
Who is this unseen being?
The creator of this mass space called earth
Filled with untold creations
I wonder if Adam got to name them all
The heavens is another mystery of His
Where is there foundation laid?
What pillars suspends them from falling…?
Every of His creation is a marvel
Their intricate detail still undergoing research
With new discoveries emerging frequently
Yet we have not seen it all
Generations gone; yet we daily increase
There’s no extinction of man or mammals
We come and we go
Yet His Majesty remains
I know every of His marvelous wonders...
Will find ways to celebrate His greatness
Each creature appreciative for His breathe
Find ways to convey your honor to Him

Be creative in reeling out appreciation
Do not be stingy in singing His praise
Dance and hail your Excellent Maker
Its yet another day and I thank God for life

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

All Good

Through a series of unpleasant events
The brothers of Joseph were actually helping…
All they meant for evil
Was actually needed to bring him to glory
If they knew better
They would have shown him love not hate
They won’t have plotted to have him killed
Or eventually sold into slavery
I actually wondered why they refrained
From searching or tracing him out
When they saw how badly their father took the news
They will rather watch his torment than see Joseph again
If Satan knew he won’t have plotted to exterminate Jesus
His mission would have been to guard him...
He would have volunteered to be His security...
Unknown to him, his evil was for the Messiahs good
All things works together for our good
The events may bring hurt
It may bring tears and sorrow
But watch out; it will be good
The Lord will use the disadvantage
To make you the attraction...
What is to reduce or ridicule you...
Will be your springboard to next levels
This is why you must rejoice in affliction
Because it will end in smiles...
And the Lord will yet use it; to move you forward
Relax, Praise, Pray It’s all good…

And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them Romans 8:28     …tejuwrite…

Saturday, 22 June 2024


If we are to decide how we look
Our skin colour, height, weight
We will quickly drop our preferred spec
Probably a pointed nose, red lips, curly hair
But those have already being decided for us
Within hours of conception your fate is sealed
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is a hereditary material
It passes genes from one person to the next generation
It’s a copy and paste system from one to another
So your look is a genetic inheritance
There have been more calls for DNA to decide paternity
Especially when a father is in doubt
All these are physical attributes
That must connect us to an ancestry
However; we have a divine lineage
We are sons and daughters of the Most High
This is what salvation confers on us
If you have received the Lord as your personal savior
You don’t just get to be called a Christian
You become entitled to all divine benefits
You may not look different, but you have divine DNA
These divine resemblance must equally show
You can by this expect a life of all-round goodness
You can also decide against all negative vibes

A life of peace, contentment and hope for better
Victory, health, provision, protection at all times
This doesn't mean that there wont be contrary happenings
But a confidence boaster is in your rich ancestry in Christ

Find out more of your new status in Christ
As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us 
everything we need for living a godly life. he has called
us to receive his own glory and goodness 2 Pet1:3   

Thursday, 20 June 2024


So much is known of Moses first 40years
How as a new born he was put in a basket
And set on the Nile; His rescue and care
How he lived and studied as a youngster in Egypt
We also know of his attempt to help Israel
How it backfired and sent him on exile
However the next major news will be…
When he met with God in the burning bush
The next 40 years were silent years
But there are tell tale signs of Gods involvement
How was it he came to settle down in Jethro house
Who himself was a Priest of God in Midian
As a son-in-law; living with him
He must have had indirect interactions with the Lord
Burning of incense, sacrifices and offerings
Godly virtues will have been rubbing on him
Lets not forget that when he first arrived 
They addressed him as an Egyptian
His looks, dressing, accent, demeanor etc.
Will have communicated where he is from
In this we see The Lords hand silently molding...
Behind the curtain a prominent future leader
Those 40 years with Jethro helped model and train him
To attain Gods glory purpose for him
If like Moses you seem to be in obscurity
Confused of life, dream and destiny pursuit
Allow for the hand of God to shape you
Be assured that like Moses you are not forgotten
Watch out for and learn from your Jethro(s) 
They may be difficult and confused times
However believe that He sees, knows and cares…
In Gods time; He will light the fire to get your attention 
Exodus 3    ...tejuwrite...


Moses; former prince of Egypt...
Is quickly adapting to a new life...
Married with children; a job; a house…
On the surface he can be said to be content...
He set out on this day with his father-in-laws flock
From having and living in abundance…
To the nomadic life of a shepherd…
Taking care of animals, which are not even his...
He has been forced to embrace his true identity
Nothing about him  reveal his opulent past
He has dropped the fine princely robes and jewelry...
For the plain Hebrew flock and staff

He can no more enjoy the advantages of Egypt
His parents and siblings slaved for the Egyptians
He had been exempted by divine intervention
He now is fast settling to a life away from his people
He had used his privileges to help them
But his action and motive was misinterpreted
He bit the finger that fed him
For this he will run from the terror of the Pharaoh
Now he was trying to let go of the past
And fully settle into the new identity
He has made progress in this
The job to rescue Israel is not his; or so he thought...
God wasn’t through with this 80 year old man
So the Lord sought to get His attention…
He restored the unmotivated man
He built the confidence of a stammerer
He launched him out again
He can confront those he fled from
He will reunite and help his people
This time Moses will succeed for God backed him

Saturday, 15 June 2024


You can’t do much if you don’t increase
You can’t be a blessing if you don’t multiply
Five loaves and two fishes is a single meal
Its multiple however, fed thousands
The decree at creation is to be fruitful; to multiply
Then you will fill and subdue the earth
As Israel multiplied Pharaoh panicked
Their increase became a threat to Egypt
All manner of method was introduced to reduce them
Despite; God increased them the more
You must multiply in all that pertains...
This is Gods will for you
Believe and plan for it
Pray and work towards this
But note your multiplication is a threat to Satan
He will do all sorts just as he did in Egypt
Keep resisting and insisting on your multiplication
Family, business all you do must expand
This must happen; this is Gods will
Enemies like or not…
And the Lord multiplied the people of Israel until they became too mighty for their enemies. 
Ps. 105:24 …tejuwrite…

Friday, 14 June 2024

Yes Sir!

He slept rather deeply…
Oblivious of the raging storm…
The threat was so much…
That the sailors emptied their cargo…
They tried steering the ship at best…
They called on the gods they knew…
Suddenly they remembered Jonah…
Who can sleep in these storm; they pondered
God is Sovereign; He is the Ultimate Head
He must have His way; when and how He wants
He  must be obeyed regardless of the excuse
No one can cancel what He approves
All bow in surrender of His will for me
All things living or none must conform
No one will be able to annul Gods approval
Only His verdict; not of any other being
Through His display of might
Jonah submitted to His ruling
He didn’t know the extent God will go…
To have His desires fulfilled

There is no hiding from His Sight
There is no place He cannot access
When God says yes; yes it is
Whatever it takes; no is not my answer
Do you sense sabotage of Gods expressed counsel?
Then call on The Sovereign Majesty quickly
Let Him rebuke detractors for you
Let Him will them to His submission
He permitted no one to do them wrong; Yes, He rebuked kings for their sakes Ps 105:14 …tejuwrite… 

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

More; Not Satisfied

Jesus touched a man once and asked him to go wash…
He returned and demanded for another
The blind said he saw men as trees
At the second touch; his sight was perfected
When the Ark of the Covenant was captured…
And placed in the temple of god Dagon…
Day 1 they thought his fall was in error
Day 2 it fell and broke more body parts
A man brought his son to the apostles for deliverance
The disciples couldn’t effectively handle the situation
He brought the boy again to Jesus
And his son received his total deliverance
Never settle for half or manage what you don’t want
Do not quit because you tried once and failed
Don’t stop praying because your answer is not coming
If you want a specific thing go all out for it
Many quit and stop at good
There is good, better, best, extra ordinary, glorious etc.
The choice is ultimately yours
If you are ok with good you forfeit better, best etc
Seeing men as trees is good enough for a blind
However, the perfect package is also available
The man had to seek Jesus again
He could have headed home at least he sees partly
When God dealt with god Dagon
At first they didn’t get his full vengeance
They would have kept the Ark of the Covenant…
If God had not struck again
Whatever you envisage to receive from the Lord
Let nothing deter your full benefit
Press further; do not accept half
Stretch further your full package awaits you… 
Mark 8:23,24...      ...tejuwrite...

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Both Ways...

Whoever or whatever took Lazarus out
God can restore and bring him back
Whatever the wicked has or can do
The Almighty can always undo
After all He can kill and make alive...
Whatever made Naaman the Captain Leprous?
The Lord restored and gave him new skin
 Even the wife can’t compete with what he got
For when God restores, He makes even better
The sickness that killed Lazarus
Had vanished when the Lord brought him out
He came out with fresh organs and system…
A woman in scripture was bent over for 18 years...
The Lord straightened her up
A woman was bleeding for 12 years...
The Lord stopped the menstrual flow
He did same to a man lame for 38 years...
Who probably had no hope of ever walking
With God it's never over, things can change
At His intervention; He walked on both feet
What has made you cry; can make you laugh
What has held you down; can make you the envied
What has shamed you; can bring you glory
What has bound you; can set others free
The devil has no final say over you
Cry out in prayer for help and restoration
There is a miracle with your name boldly printed
Only God can kill and make alive…
The Lord makes poor and makes rich, He brings low and He brings up. 1 Sam 2:6,7   …tejuwrite… 

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Do Not Touch

God’s ways are not ours
We can’t figure out why He allows certain things
Why He can extend mercy to wicked men
Why He refrain from bringing instant judgment
You can always convince God to act in your favour
You can approach His judicial capacity
You can present reasons for expedite judgments
You can win Him over by strong arguments
They have been warned to desist from evil
Yet they seek ways to advance their cause
The thief will meet his waterloo
All wickedness is judged
Let your eyes be open
When you sleep pray you are lightened
That you know what’s been planned in secret
That you may outwit those who oppose you
They look for ways and avenues for evil
They have ears that disdain simple truths
Touch not my anointed; do my people no harm…
Yet this common verse they ignore…
Welcome Gods vengeance
We say He gives long rope for repentance
But; it’s so the wicked can repent
Take advantage of His daily mercy
However; seek Him to judge all wickedness
Have Him silence wicked men for you
Watch him forbid the devils advance
Let my protector show up
Don’t be afraid, I am with you. Don’t tremble with fear. I am your God. I will make you strong, as I protect you with my arm and give you victories Isaiah 41:10 CEV …tejuwrite… 

Friday, 31 May 2024


When it rains, the earth drinks
The satisfied land nurtures seed
Soon we see blades of leaves
At the appointed time the harvest is reaped
When the rain falls
A farmer’s labour is worthwhile
The hard work under the sun is not wasted
His sweat is soothingly rewarded                          
When it rains
The earth can release its virtues
The barren land is revived
Then it can reach its full potential
My heavens must continue to release rain
My earth must continually drink its fill
My life must continually be refreshed
This circle of replenishing must always be in play
God describes His word as rain and snow
Which falls with a mission
To give nutrient to the hard soil
If this is not done the earth roasts
Rain is purposeful it doesn’t come all the time
Some seek ways to preserve its excess
Retained for days when there won’t be wetness
My life must never lack this richness
Rain is a seed, you must sow it
Release it by your faith confessions
Release it as you pray; release it in good works
Soon your life will produce continuously
It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it Isaiah 55:11     …tejuwrite…

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

It Comes...

Kill all Hebrew boys; was the assignment…
Immediately they come out from the womb…
While the mother is still on the birth bed…
Before the father can engage in a fight
The order came from the palace
Pharaoh the King wanted this done
This way; he can reduce Israelite population
Take the live he didn’t give
But two Egyptian women; shiphrah and Puah
At the detriment of their lives
Choose to let Hebrew boys live
They disobeyed their lord and king
Because they feared the King of Kings
They knew they had a choice
They choose to follow their conscience
They knew how a loss of a babe could be
For some without any prompting
They are ready to kill and maim
Ready to perpetuate all forms of evil
At little or no provocation
In all these The Almighty watched
The All seeing; All knowing paid attention
He saw them choose life than death
The same eyes sees you and i...
There will be a day of recompense for all
Pharaoh will get his at some point
The midwives also got theirs
As will you and i 
There is nothing done in secrecy
Don’t ever think you got away with it
Shortly rewards will be given
We will all get according to what we gave…
Because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own Ex. 1:20 …tejuwrite… 

Saturday, 18 May 2024

Remembering Home

Nehemiah is a cupbearer to the king
It is safe to say he is a servant
He was an Israelite serving in another country
He received news that all is not well back home…
So he prayed asking God to just listen
God just hear me out was is great petition
God in response obliged his request
What a way to pray
Because God paid attention
He gave credence to his fasting and prayer
He accepted his request for mercy for his brethren
Every other request was equally granted
It is no fun praying without results
We must ask with the confidence of receiving
He knew his nation suffered because of sin
So he approached God in fast and repentance
It is easy to disown and neglect them
After all he has relocated to greener pasture
But; he sought to receive pardon for them
He uphold them in prayers and fasting

He may not be in the town or country anymore
Home is home; don't ignore your root
While God gives and opens nations to us
We must remember where we came from
As we enjoy benefits in other countries
Let’s not ignore our ancestral route
From the help he got from his position to the king
He was able to help bring hope and restoration back home 
Nehemiah Chapter 1,2     ...tejuwrite...

Sunday, 12 May 2024

Now is OK

In the beginning the bible recall
The earth was dark and formless
We are not told how long this situation persist
However, immediately God spoke, things changed
When the Tower of Babel was being constructed
We don’t know how many months or years was put into it
We only know the instance God confused their language
The project stopped advancing
You may have prayed a while
Done all you know to do humanly
Be expectorant; because in an instance
The Lord will step in and make all the difference
There’s always a day of change; judgment comes
Every day for the thief; one day for the owner
The Lord will come suddenly
The devils mission will cease
It’s certain the Lord will show up at some point
I want to ensure He comes soon enough
I don’t want the devils persistence in my affairs
Let the Lords judgment come NOW!
Learn from the woman in Luke 18
Her persistence brought weariness to the judge
Morning, noon and night she travailed
Till the judge brought her speedy joy
Give the Lord no rest; persist in prayer
Win Him over with your argument
Present His word back to Him
Now is time to eject darkness in my life...
And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him... it tell you that He will avenge them speedily Luke 18:7,8 ...tejuwrite...

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Two Guys

A parable in scripture describes this fact
The story of the prodigal in Luke 15
The younger had audacity and asked
Even his strange request was granted
After squandering the money
He went through a time of hard living
No one gave to him even food
So he was left with eating pig’s pod
I’m sure he begged from whoever he met
But his help was not with them
He came to a realization one day
I will rather be a slave in my father’s house...
So he returned just to plead to be a servant
At least slaves here have even to spare
Father says; once a son always a son
He didn’t disown him despite his waywardness
The older brother on the other hand was dutiful
He did whatever he was asked to do
Never asking for any favors
So when his brother returned and was well received
He felt cheated and complained bitterly
He assumed the father will give him without asking
Father responded all I have his yours
Only you never asked…
Aside the fact that we must pray and ask
We must also ask aright
For any that engage in prayers
Please ask always in knowledge
If the devil cannot stop you praying
He will want you to pray amiss
The prodigal knew his right and demanded
Ask and you will receive...

Do not query the word
Don't just talk about your challenges and difficulties
Find out Gods position on your issues
Then place a demand in prayers... 

Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for... Mathew 7:7 ...tejuwrite...

Monday, 6 May 2024

Win Woman

She is a great woman from the bible descript
She was clothed with the sun…
She had the moon on her feet…
And wore a crown of twelve stars
She was going to bring forth a child
One vulnerable period in the life of any woman
She was moments away from thrilling joy
But there stood right before her; Lucifer        
The bible equally described him
A large red dragon with seven heads
His tail alone dragged down a third of the stars
He stood menacingly before the woman
Aimed for the kill as soon as the baby comes
At a point of pain and helplessness
Gods overwhelming presence swooped in
He punctured the expectation of evil
The many afflictions of the righteous
The threat people of destiny face
The trouble that seems to constantly look for them
Your product is a threat; so the devil is a ready enemy

God always preserve the one on a mission for Him
To keep winning, keep praying
It is a way to intimate God on your weakness
It is a way to receive strength and guidance
The woman won, she had thrilling joy
She had her victory dance; she told her success story
Gods got you always; no matter how close the threat
You will have your victory; you will bring forth

Be careful! watch out for attacks from the devil, your great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion looking for who to devour. Take a a firm stand against him and be strong in your faith... 1 Pet 5:8,9 ...tejuwrite...

More than enough...

I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency Esther the orphan was sufficient to be a Queen Joseph the prisoner; was enough to be Prime Minister ...